Finding / selecting a task


Adam Schmidt

Hi All
I am writing a utility macro that would lead me step by step through the critical path, by jumping to a critical predecessor of a given task. It is easy to find a critical predecessor, but how should I "go to" the task, having its subproject file name and name or ID? There are no methods to select a task by a name, only a row by its number

How can I get something similar to

Dim proj as Projec
Dim t as Tas
'... Set the proj to somethin
'... Set the t to the critical one out of the PredecessorTasks of the "previous task
proj.SelectTask Task:=
proj.SelectTaskID TaskID:=t.I



Jack D.

Adam said:
Hi All,
I am writing a utility macro that would lead me step by step through the
critical path, by jumping to a critical predecessor of a given task. It
is easy to find a critical predecessor, but how should I "go to" the
task, having its subproject file name and name or ID? There are no
methods to select a task by a name, only a row by its number.

How can I get something similar to:

Dim proj as Project
Dim t as Task
'... Set the proj to something
'... Set the t to the critical one out of the PredecessorTasks of the
"previous task"
proj.SelectTask Task:=t
proj.SelectTaskID TaskID:=t.ID



Take a look at the "Trace" macro on this page. It gives an example of how to
work with tasks and predecessors.

You do not need to select tasks to work with them.
Also, there may be more than one critical predecessor... what do you do

Please try to keep replies in this group. I do check e-mail, but only
For Macros and other things check

-Jack Dahlgren, Project MVP
email: J -at- eM Vee Pee S dot COM


Gérard Ducouret

May be you could find some inspiration in this VBA procedure which reads the
names of external predecessors of a milestone.
Hope this help,

Gérard Ducouret
Sub Dépendances()
Dim TaskDep As TaskDependency
Dim NT As String, i As Integer

NT = "Jalon bloqué"
For Each TaskDep In ActiveProject.Tasks(NT).TaskDependencies
If TaskDep.From.Priority > 50 Then
If TaskDep.From.Name <> NT And TaskDep.From.ID <>
ActiveProject.Tasks(NT).ID Then
Debug.Print "Antécédant ou dépendant ID : " & TaskDep.From.ID &
" (" & TaskDep.From.Name & ") " & _
" a une priorité supérieure à 50."
i = i + 1
Debug.Print "Successeur " & i
End If
End If
Next TaskDep
End Sub

Adam Schmidt said:
Hi All,
I am writing a utility macro that would lead me step by step through the
critical path, by jumping to a critical predecessor of a given task. It is
easy to find a critical predecessor, but how should I "go to" the task,
having its subproject file name and name or ID? There are no methods to
select a task by a name, only a row by its number.

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