type mismatch error in macro in excel

Aug 29, 2016
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Our account specialist is using macro for importing and exporting files for years. She is getting an type mismatch error after windows 10 and office 2016 upgrade according to her. I tried to change datatype but still getting a same error message. Do you have any idea to solve this kind of issue? I am also attaching my xlsm file and also xls file.

I attached vba code here.

' v.2 10/29/2002 ' used M for filespec
' Locked cells
' isnumeric validity check for phone number
' v.3 11/1/2002 three period type
' import function added
' v.4 11/19/2002 Output 00's instead of blanks for dates
' Output 000 for undetermined status
' Add one to record count in header record
' v.5 11/21/2002 Output spaces instead of zeros for dates
' v1.0 12/4/2002 Added ad to picklist page, fixed spelling in A12
' v1.1 12/12/2002 Remove address requirement
' v1.2 12/27/2002 Problem with pull-down in A49
' v1.3 1/8/2003 Import fields in wrong order
' v1.4 2/13/03 replace future active '000' with ' '
' 10/15/2012 rch - added code to allow export file location, changed font to white to hide job category and job classification data

Function Validate() As Boolean
On Error GoTo Validate_Error

Dim rgEmployeeData As Range
Dim rgEmployerData As Range
Dim rgJobCategories As Range
Dim rgJobClassification As Range
Set rgEmployeeData = Range("Employeedata")
Set rgEmployerData = Range("employerdata")
Set rgJobCategories = Range("jobcategories")
Set rgJobClassifications = Range("jobclassifications")

Validate = True
' check the employer code is numeric
If Not IsNumeric(rgEmployerData.Cells(1, 3).Value) Then
MsgBox "Invalid Employer code.", vbCritical, "Entry error"
Validate = False
End If
' check the file start code is 3 characters
If Len(Trim(rgEmployerData.Cells(2, 3).Value)) <> 3 Then
MsgBox "Invalid File Start Code.", vbCritical, "Entry Error"
Validate = False
End If
' check monthly/bi-weekly code is a M, B1 or B2
If Not IsNumeric(rgEmployerData.Cells(5, 3).Value) Or rgEmployerData.Cells(5, 3).Value < 1 Or rgEmployerData.Cells(5, 3).Value > 3 Then
MsgBox "Invalid Payroll cycle", vbCritical, "Entry error"
Validate = False
End If

' check File Creation is a date
If Not IsDate(rgEmployerData.Cells(6, 3).Value) Then
MsgBox "Invalid Period Ending Date", vbCritical, "Entry Error"
Validate = False
End If

For I = 1 To 500
' if this record as a SSN or last name check it. Otherwise skip it.

If Trim(rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 3).Value) <> "" Or Trim(rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 6).Value) <> "" Then

' check for valid SSN
If Len(rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 3).Value) <> 9 Then
MsgBox "Invalid Social Security Number for " & Trim(rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 4).Value) & " " & Trim(rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 6).Value), vbCritical, "Entry Error"
Validate = False
Exit Function
End If
If Not IsNumeric(rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 3).Value) Then
MsgBox "Invalid Social Security Number for " & Trim(rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 4).Value) & " " & Trim(rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 6).Value), vbCritical, "Entry Error"
Validate = False
Exit Function
End If

' check for valid first
If Len(rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 4).Value) < 1 Then
MsgBox "Invalid first name for " & rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 3).Value, vbCritical, "Entry Error"
Validate = False
Exit Function
End If

' check for valid last
If Len(rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 6).Value) < 1 Then
MsgBox "Invalid last name for " & rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 3).Value, vbCritical, "Entry Error"
Validate = False
Exit Function
End If

' check for valid sex
If UCase(Left(rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 8).Value, 1)) = "M" Or UCase(Left(rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 8).Value, 1)) = "F" Then
MsgBox "Invalid sex for " & rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 4).Value & " " & rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 6).Value, vbCritical, "Entry Error"
Validate = False
Exit Function
End If

' check the birth date for validity
If Not IsDate(rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 9).Value) And Not rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 9).Value = "" Then
MsgBox "Invalid birth date for " & Trim(rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 4).Value) & " " & Trim(rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 6).Value), vbCritical, "Entry Error"
Validate = False
Exit Function
End If

' check for valid address
' If Len(rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 10).Value) < 1 Then
' MsgBox "Invalid address for " & rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 4).Value & " " & rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 6).Value, vbCritical, "Entry Error"
' Validate = False
' Exit Function
' End If

' check for valid city
If Len(rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 13).Value) < 1 Then
MsgBox "Invalid city for " & rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 4).Value & " " & rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 6).Value, vbCritical, "Entry Error"
Validate = False
Exit Function
End If

' check for valid state
If Len(rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 14).Value) <> 2 Then
MsgBox "Invalid state for " & rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 4).Value & " " & rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 6).Value, vbCritical, "Entry Error"
Validate = False
Exit Function
End If

' check for valid zip
If Len(rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 15).Value) = 5 Or Len(rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 15).Value) = 9 Then
MsgBox "Invalid zip for " & rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 4).Value & " " & rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 6).Value, vbCritical, "Entry Error"
Validate = False
Exit Function
End If

' check for valid phone
If Not IsNumeric(rgEmployeeData(I, 17).Value) Then
MsgBox "Invalid phone for " & rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 4).Value & " " & rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 6).Value & " (Numbers only.)", vbCritical, "Entry Error"
Validate = False
Exit Function
End If

If Len(rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 17).Value) > 10 Then
MsgBox "Invalid phone for " & rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 4).Value & " " & rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 6).Value & " (Exceeds 10 chars.)", vbCritical, "Entry Error"
Validate = False
Exit Function
End If

' check the hire date for validity
If Not IsDate(rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 19).Value) And Not rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 19).Value = "" Then
MsgBox "Invalid Hire date for " & Trim(rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 4).Value) & " " & Trim(rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 6).Value), vbCritical, "Entry Error"
Validate = False
Exit Function
End If

' check termination date
If Not IsDate(rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 20).Value) And Not rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 20) = "" Then
MsgBox "Invalid Termination date for " & Trim(rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 4).Value) & " " & Trim(rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 6).Value), vbCritical, "Entry Error"
Validate = False
Exit Function
End If

' check Future Status date
If rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 21).Value <> "" Then
If Not IsDate(rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 21).Value) Then
MsgBox "Invalid future date for " & Trim(rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 4).Value) & " " & Trim(rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 6).Value), vbCritical, "Entry Error"
Validate = False
Exit Function
End If
End If

' check for proper active/term status
If rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 21).Value <> "" Then
If UCase(Left(rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 22).Value, 1)) = "A" Or UCase(Left(rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 8).Value, 1)) = "T" Then
MsgBox "Invalid Active/Term for " & Trim(rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 4).Value) & " " & Trim(rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 6).Value), vbCritical, "Entry Error"
Validate = False
Exit Function
End If
End If
' check for proper FTE %
If Not IsNumeric(rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 23).Value) Then
MsgBox "Invalid FTE % for " & Trim(rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 4).Value) & " " & Trim(rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 6).Value), vbCritical, "Entry Error"
Validate = False
Exit Function
End If
If rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 23).Value > 1 Or rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 23).Value < 0 Then
MsgBox "Invalid FTE % for " & Trim(rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 4).Value) & " " & Trim(rgEmployeeData.Cells(I, 6).Value), vbCritical, "Entry Error"
Validate = False
Exit Function
End If
v = RecordCount

End If
Next I

Exit Function

MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical, "Validate"

End Function

Function RecordCount() As Integer
' this function will count the number of records ready to be transmitted

On Error GoTo RecordCount_Error

Dim rgEmployeeData As Range
Dim rgEmployerData As Range
Dim R As Integer
Set rgEmployeeData = Range("Employeedata")
Set rgEmployerData = Range("employerdata")
RecordCount = 0
For R = 1 To 500
If Trim(rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 3).Value) <> "" Or Trim(rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 6).Value) <> "" Then
RecordCount = RecordCount + 1
End If
Next R
' compare record count
If RecordCount <> rgEmployerData.Cells(7, 3).Value Then
MsgBox "Updating Record count to: " & RecordCount, vbInformation, "Updating record count"
rgEmployerData.Cells(7, 3) = RecordCount
End If

Exit Function

MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical, "RecordCount"

End Function
Sub cmdExport()
On Error GoTo cmdExport_Error
Dim rgEmployeeData As Range
Dim rgEmployerData As Range
Dim rgJobCategories As Range
Dim rgJobClassification As Range

Dim R As Long, C As Long
Dim FileSpec As String
Dim PLine As String

If Not Validate Then
Exit Sub
End If
Set rgEmployeeData = Range("Employeedata")
Set rgEmployerData = Range("employerdata")
Set rgJobCategories = Range("jobcategories")
Set rgJobClassifications = Range("jobclassifications")

On Error GoTo File_Error

If Right(rgEmployerData.Cells(9, 3).Value, 1) <> "\" Then
rgEmployerData.Cells(9, 3).Value = rgEmployerData.Cells(9, 3).Value & "\"
End If
FileSpec = rgEmployerData.Cells(9, 3).Value & rgEmployerData.Cells(2, 3).Value & Format(rgEmployerData.Cells(6, 3).Value, "MM") & Right(Format(rgEmployerData.Cells(6, 3).Value, "yyyy"), 4) & "M.txt"
Open FileSpec For Input As #1
Close #1
v = MsgBox("The file " & FileSpec & " already exits.", vbOKCancel)
If v = vbCancel Then
Exit Sub
End If
Open FileSpec For Output As #1

On Error GoTo cmdExport_Error

Set rgEmployeeData = Range("Employeedata")
Set rgEmployerData = Range("employerdata")
Set rgJobCategories = Range("jobcategories")
Set rgJobClassifications = Range("jobclassifications")

' first send the header record
' header id
PLine = Format(Date, "mmdd")
' employer code
PLine = PLine & Format(rgEmployerData.Cells(1, 3).Value, "0000000")
' record cound
' add 1 to the record count for the header record
PLine = PLine & Format(rgEmployerData.Cells(7, 3).Value, "00000")
' File creation date period
PLine = PLine & Format(rgEmployerData.Cells(6, 3).Value, "mmddyyyy")

Print #1, PLine

For R = 1 To 500
' if this record has a SSN or last name check it. Otherwise skip it.

If Trim(rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 3).Value) <> "" Or Trim(rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 6).Value) <> "" Then

' header id
PLine = Format(Format(Date, "mmdd"), "0000")
' employer code
PLine = PLine & Format(rgEmployerData.Cells(1, 3).Value, "0000000")
' billing entity code
PLine = PLine & Format(rgEmployerData.Cells(4, 3).Value, "0000")
' agreement code
PLine = PLine & Format(rgEmployerData.Cells(5, 3), "000000")
' site code
PLine = PLine & " "
' ssn
PLine = PLine & Format(rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 3), "000000000")
' last name
PLine = PLine & Left((rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 6).Value & Space(50)), 50)
' first name
PLine = PLine & Left((rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 4).Value & Space(50)), 50)
' middle
PLine = PLine & Left((rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 5).Value & Space(50)), 50)
' suffix
PLine = PLine & Left((rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 7).Value & Space(3)), 3)
' sex
PLine = PLine & UCase(Left((rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 8).Value & Space(3)), 1))
' birthdate
PLine = PLine & Format(rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 9).Value, "mmddyyyy")
' address 1
PLine = PLine & Left((rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 10).Value & Space(50)), 50)
' address 2
PLine = PLine & Left((rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 11).Value & Space(50)), 50)
' address 3
PLine = PLine & Left((rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 12).Value & Space(50)), 50)
' city
PLine = PLine & Left((rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 13).Value & Space(50)), 50)
' state
PLine = PLine & Left((rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 14).Value & Space(2)), 2)
' zip
PLine = PLine & Left((rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 15).Value & Space(9)), 9)
' country
PLine = PLine & Left((rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 16).Value & Space(3)), 3)
' phone
PLine = PLine & Left((rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 17).Value & Space(10)), 10)
' e-mail
PLine = PLine & Left((rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 18).Value & Space(30)), 30)
' job category
Select Case rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 1)
Case 1
PLine = PLine & Left(rgJobCategories.Cells(1, 1) + Space(2), 2)
Case 2
PLine = PLine & Left(rgJobCategories.Cells(2, 1) + Space(2), 2)
Case 3
PLine = PLine & Left(rgJobCategories.Cells(3, 1) + Space(2), 2)
Case 4
PLine = PLine & Left(rgJobCategories.Cells(4, 1) + Space(2), 2)
Case 5
PLine = PLine & Left(rgJobCategories.Cells(5, 1) + Space(2), 2)
Case 6
PLine = PLine & Left(rgJobCategories.Cells(6, 1) + Space(2), 2)
Case 7
PLine = PLine & Left(rgJobCategories.Cells(7, 1) + Space(2), 2)
Case 8
PLine = PLine & Left(rgJobCategories.Cells(8, 1) + Space(2), 2)
Case Else
MsgBox "You have entered an invalid Job Category on row " & R & ".", vbCritical, "Invalid data"
Exit Sub
End Select
' job classification
Select Case rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 2)
Case 1
PLine = PLine & Left(rgJobClassifications.Cells(1, 1) + Space(2), 2)
Case 2
PLine = PLine & Left(rgJobClassifications.Cells(2, 1) + Space(2), 2)
Case 3
PLine = PLine & Left(rgJobClassifications.Cells(3, 1) + Space(2), 2)
Case 4
PLine = PLine & Left(rgJobClassifications.Cells(4, 1) + Space(2), 2)
Case Else
MsgBox "You have entered an invalid Job Category on row " & R & ".", vbCritical, "Invalid data"
Exit Sub
End Select

' hire date
If rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 19).Value = "" Then
PLine = PLine & Space(8)
PLine = PLine & Format(rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 19).Value, "mmddyyyy")
End If
' termination date
If rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 20).Value = "" Then
PLine = PLine & Space(8)
PLine = PLine & Format(rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 20).Value, "mmddyyyy")
End If
' future status date
If rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 21).Value = "" Then
PLine = PLine & Space(8)
PLine = PLine & Format(rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 21).Value, "mmddyyyy")
End If
' future status
Select Case UCase(Left(rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 22), 1))
Case "A"
PLine = PLine & "ACT"
Case "T"
PLine = PLine & "TRM"
Case Else
PLine = PLine & " "
End Select

' fte percentage
PLine = PLine & Format(rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 23).Value * 100, "000")
Print #1, PLine
End If
Next R

Close #1
MsgBox "Export file: " & FileSpec & " created.", vbInformation, "Success"
Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical, "cmdExport"
Exit Sub

'MsgBox Err.Number
If Err.Number = 53 Then ' file not found
Resume NewFile:
MsgBox Err.Number, Err.Description, vbc, "cmdExport"
Resume Next
End If

End Sub

Sub Showform()
Load MemberForm
End Sub

Sub Import()
On Error GoTo Import_Error
Dim rgEmployeeData As Range
Dim rgEmployerData As Range
Dim rgJobCategories As Range
Dim rgJobClassification As Range

Dim R As Long, C As Long
Dim FileSpec As String
Dim PLine As String
Dim JobCategory, JobClassifiction, SSN, FName, MName, Lname, Suffix, Active, Gross, Member, Total, FTE, HireDate, TerminationDate As String
Dim Inrec As String

Set rgEmployeeData = Range("Employeedata")
Set rgEmployerData = Range("employerdata")
Set rgJobCategories = Range("jobcategories")
Set rgJobClassifications = Range("jobclassifications")

' clear the rows
For R = 1 To 2
For C = 1 To 2
rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, C).Value = ""
Next C
Next R
R = 0

On Error GoTo File_Error
FileSpec = rgEmployerData.Cells(8, 3).Value
Open FileSpec For Input As #1

On Error GoTo Import_Error

Do While Not EOF(1)
Line Input #1, Inrec
R = R + 1

' job category
x = UCase(Trim(ParseInrec(Inrec, 1)))
Select Case UCase(Trim(ParseInrec(Inrec, 17)))
Case "R"
rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 1) = 1
Case "RT"
rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 1) = 2
Case "RP"
rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 1) = 3
Case "AP"
rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 1) = 4
Case "RE"
rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 1) = 5
Case "RW"
rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 1) = 6
Case "LW"
rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 1) = 7
Case "PT"
rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 1) = 8
Case Else
MsgBox "Invalid Job Category in input file row " & R, vbCritical, "Import Error"
Exit Sub
End Select
' job classification
Select Case UCase(Trim(ParseInrec(Inrec, 18)))
Case "AD"
rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 2) = 1
Case "TE"
rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 2) = 2
Case "OC"
rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 2) = 3
Case "NC"
rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 2) = 4
Case Else
MsgBox "Invalid Job Classification in input file row " & R, vbCritical, "Import Error"
Exit Sub
End Select
' ssn
rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 3).Value = UCase(Trim(ParseInrec(Inrec, 1)))
' last name
If Len(ParseInrec(Inrec, 2)) = 0 Then
MsgBox "Missing Last Name in input file row " & R, vbCritical, "Import Error"
rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 6).Value = Trim(ParseInrec(Inrec, 2))
End If
' first name
rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 4).Value = Trim(ParseInrec(Inrec, 3))
' initial
rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 5).Value = Trim(ParseInrec(Inrec, 4))
' suffix
rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 7).Value = Trim(ParseInrec(Inrec, 5))
' sEX
If Left(UCase(Trim(ParseInrec(Inrec, 6))), 1) = "M" Then
rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 8).Value = "M"
End If
If Left(UCase(Trim(ParseInrec(Inrec, 6))), 1) = "F" Then
rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 8).Value = "F"
End If
' Birthday
If IsDate(ParseInrec(Inrec, 7)) Or Trim(ParseInrec(Inrec, 7)) = "" Then
rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 9).Value = Trim(ParseInrec(Inrec, 7))
MsgBox "Non-date entry for Birth Date found in input file row " & R, vbCritical, "Import Error"
End If
' Address1
rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 10).Value = Trim(ParseInrec(Inrec, 8))
' address2
rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 11).Value = Trim(ParseInrec(Inrec, 9))
' address3
rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 12).Value = Trim(ParseInrec(Inrec, 10))
' city
rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 13).Value = Trim(ParseInrec(Inrec, 11))
' state
rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 14).Value = UCase(Trim(ParseInrec(Inrec, 12)))
' zip
If IsNumeric(Trim(ParseInrec(Inrec, 13))) Or Trim(ParseInrec(Inrec, 13)) = "" Then
rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 15).Value = Trim(ParseInrec(Inrec, 13))
MsgBox "Non-numeric entry for Zip Code found in input file row " & R, vbCritical, "Import Error"
End If
' Country
rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 16).Value = Trim(ParseInrec(Inrec, 14))
' phone
If IsNumeric(Trim(ParseInrec(Inrec, 15))) Or Trim(ParseInrec(Inrec, 15)) = "" Then
rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 17).Value = Trim(ParseInrec(Inrec, 15))
MsgBox "Non-numeric entry for Phone found in input file row " & R, vbCritical, "Import Error"
End If
' e-mail
rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 18).Value = Trim(ParseInrec(Inrec, 16))
' hire date
If IsDate(ParseInrec(Inrec, 19)) Or Trim(ParseInrec(Inrec, 19)) = "" Then
rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 19).Value = Trim(ParseInrec(Inrec, 19))
MsgBox "Non-date entry for Hire Date found in input file row " & R, vbCritical, "Import Error"
End If
' term date
If IsDate(ParseInrec(Inrec, 20)) Or Trim(ParseInrec(Inrec, 20)) = "" Then
rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 20).Value = Trim(ParseInrec(Inrec, 20))
MsgBox "Non-date entry for Termination Date found in input file row " & R, vbCritical, "Import Error"
End If
' future date
If IsDate(ParseInrec(Inrec, 21)) Or Trim(ParseInrec(Inrec, 21)) = "" Then
rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 21).Value = Trim(ParseInrec(Inrec, 21))
MsgBox "Non-date entry for Future Date found in input file row " & R, vbCritical, "Import Error"
End If
' future status
rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 22).Value = UCase(Trim(ParseInrec(Inrec, 22)))
If IsNumeric(ParseInrec(Inrec, 23)) Then
rgEmployeeData.Cells(R, 23).Value = ParseInrec(Inrec, 23) / 100
MsgBox "Non-numeric entry for FTE found in input file row " & R, vbCritical, "Import Error"
End If

'rgEmployerData.Cells(7, 3).Value = R


Close #1
MsgBox "Import completed. " & R & " rows imported.", vbInformation, "Success"
Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description & " Record: " & Inrec, vbCritical, "Import"
Exit Sub

'MsgBox Err.Number
If Err.Number = 53 Then ' file not found
MsgBox "Input file not found.", vbCritical, "Bad filename"

MsgBox Err.Number, Err.Description, vbc, "Import"
Resume Next
End If

End Sub
Function ParseInrec(Inrec, FieldNo)
On Error GoTo ParseInrec_Error
Dim Inrec2 As String
Dim I As Integer

Select Case FieldNo
Case Is = 1
Inrec2 = Inrec
ParseInrec = Left(Inrec2, (InStr(1, Inrec2, ",") - 1))
Case Is = 2
Inrec2 = Right(Inrec, Len(Inrec) - (InStr(1, Inrec, ",")))
ParseInrec = Left(Inrec2, (InStr(1, Inrec2, ",") - 1))
Case Is = 3
Inrec2 = Right(Inrec, Len(Inrec) - (InStr(1, Inrec, ",")))
Inrec2 = Right(Inrec2, Len(Inrec2) - (InStr(1, Inrec2, ",")))
ParseInrec = Left(Inrec2, (InStr(1, Inrec2, ",") - 1))
Case Is = 4
Inrec2 = Right(Inrec, Len(Inrec) - (InStr(1, Inrec, ",")))
For I = 1 To FieldNo - 2
Inrec2 = Right(Inrec2, Len(Inrec2) - (InStr(1, Inrec2, ",")))
Next I

ParseInrec = Left(Inrec2, (InStr(1, Inrec2, ",") - 1))
Case Is = 5
Inrec2 = Right(Inrec, Len(Inrec) - (InStr(1, Inrec, ",")))
For I = 1 To FieldNo - 2
Inrec2 = Right(Inrec2, Len(Inrec2) - (InStr(1, Inrec2, ",")))
Next I
ParseInrec = Left(Inrec2, (InStr(1, Inrec2, ",") - 1))
Case Is = 6
Inrec2 = Right(Inrec, Len(Inrec) - (InStr(1, Inrec, ",")))
For I = 1 To FieldNo - 2
Inrec2 = Right(Inrec2, Len(Inrec2) - (InStr(1, Inrec2, ",")))
Next I
ParseInrec = Left(Inrec2, (InStr(1, Inrec2, ",") - 1))
Case Is = 7
Inrec2 = Right(Inrec, Len(Inrec) - (InStr(1, Inrec, ",")))
For I = 1 To FieldNo - 2
Inrec2 = Right(Inrec2, Len(Inrec2) - (InStr(1, Inrec2, ",")))
Next I
ParseInrec = Left(Inrec2, (InStr(1, Inrec2, ",") - 1))
Case Is = 8
Inrec2 = Right(Inrec, Len(Inrec) - (InStr(1, Inrec, ",")))
For I = 1 To FieldNo - 2
Inrec2 = Right(Inrec2, Len(Inrec2) - (InStr(1, Inrec2, ",")))
Next I
ParseInrec = Left(Inrec2, (InStr(1, Inrec2, ",") - 1))
Case Is = 9
Inrec2 = Right(Inrec, Len(Inrec) - (InStr(1, Inrec, ",")))
For I = 1 To FieldNo - 2
Inrec2 = Right(Inrec2, Len(Inrec2) - (InStr(1, Inrec2, ",")))
Next I
ParseInrec = Left(Inrec2, (InStr(1, Inrec2, ",") - 1))
Case Is = 10
Inrec2 = Right(Inrec, Len(Inrec) - (InStr(1, Inrec, ",")))
For I = 1 To FieldNo - 2
Inrec2 = Right(Inrec2, Len(Inrec2) - (InStr(1, Inrec2, ",")))
Next I
ParseInrec = Left(Inrec2, (InStr(1, Inrec2, ",") - 1))
Case Is = 11
Inrec2 = Right(Inrec, Len(Inrec) - (InStr(1, Inrec, ",")))
For I = 1 To FieldNo - 2
Inrec2 = Right(Inrec2, Len(Inrec2) - (InStr(1, Inrec2, ",")))
Next I
ParseInrec = Left(Inrec2, (InStr(1, Inrec2, ",") - 1))

Case Is = 12
Inrec2 = Right(Inrec, Len(Inrec) - (InStr(1, Inrec, ",")))
For I = 1 To FieldNo - 2
Inrec2 = Right(Inrec2, Len(Inrec2) - (InStr(1, Inrec2, ",")))
Next I
ParseInrec = Left(Inrec2, (InStr(1, Inrec2, ",") - 1))
Case Is = 13
Inrec2 = Right(Inrec, Len(Inrec) - (InStr(1, Inrec, ",")))
For I = 1 To FieldNo - 2
Inrec2 = Right(Inrec2, Len(Inrec2) - (InStr(1, Inrec2, ",")))
Next I
ParseInrec = Left(Inrec2, (InStr(1, Inrec2, ",") - 1))
Case Is = 14
Inrec2 = Right(Inrec, Len(Inrec) - (InStr(1, Inrec, ",")))
For I = 1 To FieldNo - 2
Inrec2 = Right(Inrec2, Len(Inrec2) - (InStr(1, Inrec2, ",")))
Next I
ParseInrec = Left(Inrec2, (InStr(1, Inrec2, ",") - 1))
Case Is = 15
Inrec2 = Right(Inrec, Len(Inrec) - (InStr(1, Inrec, ",")))
For I = 1 To FieldNo - 2
Inrec2 = Right(Inrec2, Len(Inrec2) - (InStr(1, Inrec2, ",")))
Next I
ParseInrec = Left(Inrec2, (InStr(1, Inrec2, ",") - 1))
Case Is = 16
Inrec2 = Right(Inrec, Len(Inrec) - (InStr(1, Inrec, ",")))
For I = 1 To FieldNo - 2
Inrec2 = Right(Inrec2, Len(Inrec2) - (InStr(1, Inrec2, ",")))
Next I
ParseInrec = Left(Inrec2, (InStr(1, Inrec2, ",") - 1))
Case Is = 17
Inrec2 = Right(Inrec, Len(Inrec) - (InStr(1, Inrec, ",")))
For I = 1 To FieldNo - 2
Inrec2 = Right(Inrec2, Len(Inrec2) - (InStr(1, Inrec2, ",")))
Next I
ParseInrec = Left(Inrec2, (InStr(1, Inrec2, ",") - 1))
Case Is = 18
Inrec2 = Right(Inrec, Len(Inrec) - (InStr(1, Inrec, ",")))
For I = 1 To FieldNo - 2
Inrec2 = Right(Inrec2, Len(Inrec2) - (InStr(1, Inrec2, ",")))
Next I
ParseInrec = Left(Inrec2, (InStr(1, Inrec2, ",") - 1))
Case Is = 19
Inrec2 = Right(Inrec, Len(Inrec) - (InStr(1, Inrec, ",")))
For I = 1 To FieldNo - 2
Inrec2 = Right(Inrec2, Len(Inrec2) - (InStr(1, Inrec2, ",")))
Next I
ParseInrec = Left(Inrec2, (InStr(1, Inrec2, ",") - 1))
Case Is = 20
Inrec2 = Right(Inrec, Len(Inrec) - (InStr(1, Inrec, ",")))
For I = 1 To FieldNo - 2
Inrec2 = Right(Inrec2, Len(Inrec2) - (InStr(1, Inrec2, ",")))
Next I
ParseInrec = Left(Inrec2, (InStr(1, Inrec2, ",") - 1))
Case Is = 21
Inrec2 = Right(Inrec, Len(Inrec) - (InStr(1, Inrec, ",")))
For I = 1 To FieldNo - 2
Inrec2 = Right(Inrec2, Len(Inrec2) - (InStr(1, Inrec2, ",")))
Next I
ParseInrec = Left(Inrec2, (InStr(1, Inrec2, ",") - 1))
Case Is = 22
Inrec2 = Right(Inrec, Len(Inrec) - (InStr(1, Inrec, ",")))
For I = 1 To FieldNo - 2
Inrec2 = Right(Inrec2, Len(Inrec2) - (InStr(1, Inrec2, ",")))
Next I
ParseInrec = Left(Inrec2, (InStr(1, Inrec2, ",") - 1))
Case Is = 23
Inrec2 = Right(Inrec, Len(Inrec) - (InStr(1, Inrec, ",")))
For I = 1 To FieldNo - 2
Inrec2 = Right(Inrec2, Len(Inrec2) - (InStr(1, Inrec2, ",")))
Next I
ParseInrec = Left(Inrec2, (InStr(1, Inrec2, ",") - 1))

End Select
Exit Function


MsgBox Err.Description & " R/F: " & R & " " * FieldNo, vbCritical, "ParseInrec"

End Function

I am also attaching excel macro file here.

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