Warning! You are using a Visio 'Microsoft Access' driver....


Jos Knijnenburg


I have configured an ODBC DataSource to connect to SQL Server 2000.
ODBC Data Source Administrator shows the following information:

Microsoft SQL Server ODBC Driver Version 03.81.9042

Data Source Name: ILoket
Data Source Description: ILoket
Database: ILoket
Language: (Default)
Translate Character Data: Yes
Log Long Running Queries: No
Log Driver Statistics: No
Use Integrated Security: Yes
Use Regional Settings: No
Prepared Statements Option: Drop temporary procedures on disconnect
Use Failover Server: No
Use ANSI Quoted Identifiers: Yes
Use ANSI Null, Paddings and Warnings: Yes
Data Encryption: No


Microsoft SQL Server ODBC Driver Version 03.81.9042

Running connectivity tests...

Attempting connection
Connection established
Verifying option settings
Disconnecting from server


When I try to use this ODBC connection from within Visio for Enterprise
Architects (10.0.2705) to reverse engineer a database, I get the following

You are using a Visio 'Microsoft Access' driver to connect with a 'Microsoft
SQL Server'DBMS datasource.
By using an incompatible driver, it is possible that the catalog information
retrieved will be incomplete.

When I go on I get the message:

Data source client error: State:S1010,Native:0,Origin[Microsoft][ODBC Driver
Function sequence error.

Why does Visio not recognise the SQL server ODBC driver?

Thank You,
Jos Knijnenburg.

Bill MacLean

There are actually two drivers that do different things. The first driver
converts the Visio diagram to DDL suitable for the target database. The
other driver is the ODBC driver, and that is what you used to connect to the

When you go to generate a database, Visio checks to see if the first driver
matches the second in terms of db platform. It sounds like you should
highlight "Microsoft SQL Server" in the drop down labled "Installed Visio
Drivers". Then specify your ODBC data source name (DSN) to connect to the
database and you should be all set.



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