Word 2003/Office 'The save failed due to out of memory or disc spa


Martin MBSL

Running Ms Word 2003 (from Office pack) with all updates, on XP.

I recently received the error 'The save failed due to out of memory or disk
space'. The free disc space is 12.8% capacity free or 4.38gb, plenty of space
for any word doc.


1. Defrag ran - no errors
2. Scan disc ran - no errors
3. Cleaned out temp files, inc those commencing '~' which are temp word
files e.g. ~wrd0001
4. Ran anti virus scans - Anti vir, CA Anti virus, AVG on computer plus
online scans from Symantec and Kypersky. No problems found
5. Ran and cleared any malware etc.., no issues found
6. Cleared temp files also with CC cleaner, windows cleaner.
7. Removed and reinstalled MS Office and ran updates
8. Also tried restore, to two weeks before issue commenced
9. Deleted templates

None of the above has had any impact, problem continues.

I can save as Rich Text File, and if I remove the Save AutoRecover option
from Tools/Options in MS Word I can temporarily save files. However neither
are solutions - this is a fairly new computer (8 months) and used for
studies, esp Word docs although there are only 50 docs so far (some with
graphics/images, some not).

Any suggestions? Ive googled this and searched knowledge base and seem to
have done all I can but this is annoying and worrying as its a computer with
both mine and my partners degree work on it.





I am having the same problem. I am editing a book in Word. I got through
about 65 pages (Text and graphics, total of 32 MB) and started to get the
same message. I cleaned things up so I have 12 Gigs of free space on my hard
drive. It didn't help. I bought 512 more MB of RAM - It didn't help. Have you
had any luck?



The message (a catch-all for anything that the system doesn't understand)
usually indicates that the document is starting to corrupt. Try opening the
document using the Detect and Repair option which should find the corruption
for you.

With a document this size, it is important to try and get the size down. I
recommend that graphics are edited in an editor outside Word (such as the
free IrfanView) where the size and resolution should be reduced and the
graphic saved in jpeg before inserting into Word. Use Insert, Picture from
File: don't copy and paste the graphics. If graphics are only going to be
viewed on screen, then 72dpi or 96dpi is more than sufficient. If the
document is for eventual printing, then 300dpi should suffice.

If the document is still large after editing all the graphics, then I
recommend linking them rather than inserting them.

Martin MBSL


Ive compeleted detect and repair as well as reinstalling. However, I removed
my HP printer - I have a HP 3210, which regularly updates automatically, and
discovered that by removing the software that runs this printer it has fixed
the problem.

If you have a HP I suggest you do likewise but it suggests the problem isnt
Word but something attached or associated to Word


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