using tape measure, display inches to (feet and inches)?



I have tried to find how to do this but can't!

Also if there is a way to do this, can it be saved so everytime I open the
drawing and use the measuring tape--- I won't have to convert it every time?

In other words is there a MASTER format that would effect measuring tools
and apply it to the whole drawing and possibly new drawings when I create


Yes I'm using US units when I select tape meause from my Favorites area and
place it on a floor plan it gives a standard 400 inches! when I expand it to
measure something it shows; 247.5451 inches etc..

The ideal format would show; FT & inches can you tell me how to change to
this format?


John Marshall, MVP

It's not easy, but it can be done.

Do the changes on a copy of the tape measure.
1) Start with a clean page.
2) From the View menu, select the Drawing Explorer Window (DEW).
3) Drag a copy of the tape measure to the page.
4) There should be a + next to the Masters folder in the DEW. Click it to
expose the masters.
5) Double Click the tape measure shape. (A new window will open up)
6) In the Master Explorer, expand the Masters folder, expand the shape,
expand the Shapes folder
7) Right click the Sheet.? shape and select Shop Shapesheet
8) Scroll to the Protection section and set LockVtxEdit from 1 to 0.
9) Switch back to the window with the Master Explorer
9) Select "Field..." from the Insert menu. The Field dialog should show the
field already selected. (Custom Properties; Length; General)
10) Change the format to "Feet & Inches"
11) Close the Field Dialog
12) In te still open shapesheet; go to the Protection section and set
LockVtxEdit from 0 to 1.
13) Close the shapesheet
13) Close the window with the Master Explorer - Say Yes to save the updates.

You now have a custom tape measure you can drag to a new stencil.

John... Visio MVP

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Jan 23, 2022
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I know this is a really old thread, but I'm trying to do the same thing as mentioned above in Visio 2019 Pro and running into problems. I did the instructions as above and it kind of work in that the stencil object starts out as Ft' Inches", but as soon as I resize it, it switches back to inches. Any else know how to fix this?

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