Visio Viewer shows blank pages in Internet Explorer 6



Hi All,

My PC installed Visio Viewer 2003, but everytime I open Visio file, IE
opened, and I accepted the ActiveX, but Blank Page appear and cannot
see the Visio content ! I tried to reinstall Visio viewer 2003 ( even
2007 ), but cannot fix !, I tried another computer opened this visio
file and it's work ! How can I fix this problem ? Do I need to re-
install IE 6 or upgrade to IE 7 ?

Thanks a lot,

Barb Way

It's possible that you may be missing one or more IE6 Security updates, as
we have seen this occur before.

Check using Windows Update or Microsoft Update to see if there are any
hidden updates that you have skipped installing.
Also, check specifically for update MS07-057

Barb Way
Product Support - Visio
Microsoft Corporation
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.


We are having same problem.

I could only narrow down to removing following two patches. But it doesn't
work on all machines. Patches removed from test machines are KB943460,

any help will be greatly appreciated.

Barb Way

There are a number of different IE updates which have impacted the behavior
of ActiveX controls loading in IE6. Since the Viewer is a control, the
users need the ability to see/approve of the use of the control. Some
systems have Group Policies in place which suppress the information bar,
which can impact the Viewer.

Also, there have been some Security Updates which seem to have a direct
impact on the way the Viewer loads. Check to see if you have MS06-020
installed. If so, then you want to ensure that MS06-033 is also installed.
Some systems (at least a few Server 2003 machines, in particular) have also
needed MS06-057

Hope that helps!

Barb Way
Product Support - Visio
Microsoft Corporation
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Paul Herber

There are a number of different IE updates which have impacted the behavior
of ActiveX controls loading in IE6. Since the Viewer is a control, the
users need the ability to see/approve of the use of the control. Some
systems have Group Policies in place which suppress the information bar,
which can impact the Viewer.

I'm quite willing to accept the epithet MisterStateTheObvious (with
the rider that I have over 30 years experience of writing software)
but wouldn't a Visio viewer application built from the Visio source
code be not be a very easy option?

1. disable all the standard Visio start up behaviour to choose the
diagram type.
2. disable most of the now inappropriate menus and toolbars. The only
menus needed are Open, Print, Print Preview, maybe View -> Zoom. You
might also want to keep Find and Goto Page.
3. disable macros.
4. disable the appropriate CMNDs.
5. disable VBA. COM and automation
6. new startup splash screen
7. no Options, no security settings, no registry entries

That's probably > 95% of the work done.

John Marshall, MVP

The only downside is that you would have an application that pigs out on
space, but does not do much.

John... Visio MVP

PS: I made the same argument for the first Visio viewer. In Visio 1 and 2,
there was a demo version that could be used as a "Viewer", but for later
versions there was no "free" viewer. So stripping down Visio was suggested,
but there was a long list of reasons why it could not be done. File bloat
was a key problem.

Need stencils or ideas?
Need VBA examples?
Visio Wishlist

Al Edlund

MS, mostly space...

John Marshall said:
The only downside is that you would have an application that pigs out on
space, but does not do much.

John... Visio MVP

PS: I made the same argument for the first Visio viewer. In Visio 1 and 2,
there was a demo version that could be used as a "Viewer", but for later
versions there was no "free" viewer. So stripping down Visio was
suggested, but there was a long list of reasons why it could not be done.
File bloat was a key problem.

Need stencils or ideas?
Need VBA examples?
Visio Wishlist

Barb Way

C'mon, guys - there's a wonderful viewer out on the Office Online site.
It's called the Trial ... after 30 days, it's a viewer :)

... I'm KIDDING. But it would work, and be really big, as John noted.

Barb Way
Product Support - Visio
Microsoft Corporation
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

John Marshall, MVP

and that is what we recommended in the old days on the CompuServe forum,
before Visio 3.0.

John... Visio MVP

vairam muthu


I am not able to install the mention Q832894 batch to fix the visio problem

then any way to fix the issue.

A wrote:

Guys, Issue is resolved by installing the latest IE6 Cummulative Patch.

Guys, Issue is resolved by installing the latest IE6 Cummulative Patch
Thanks all for your assistance


Previous Posts In This Thread:

Visio Viewer shows blank pages in Internet Explorer 6
Hi All

My PC installed Visio Viewer 2003, but everytime I open Visio file, I
opened, and I accepted the ActiveX, but Blank Page appear and canno
see the Visio content ! I tried to reinstall Visio viewer 2003 ( eve
2007 ), but cannot fix !, I tried another computer opened this visi
file and it's work ! How can I fix this problem ? Do I need to re
install IE 6 or upgrade to IE 7

Thanks a lot,

RE: Visio Viewer shows blank pages in Internet Explorer 6
Content-Type: text/plai
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bi

It's possible that you may be missing one or more IE6 Security updates, as
we have seen this occur before

Check using Windows Update or Microsoft Update to see if there are any
hidden updates that you have skipped installing
Also, check specifically for update MS07-057

Barb Wa
Product Support - Visi
Microsoft Corporatio
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights
Content-Type: text/x-rt
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bi

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fprq2\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 It's possible that you may be missing one or more IE6 Security updates, as we have seen this occur before
\par Check using Windows Update or Microsoft Update to see if there are any hidden updates that you have skipped installing
\par Also, check specifically for update MS07-057 (
\par Barb Wa
\par Product Support - Visi
\par Microsoft Corporatio
\par This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights

We are having same problem.
We are having same problem

I could only narrow down to removing following two patches. But it doesn't
work on all machines. Patches removed from test machines are KB943460,

any help will be greatly appreciated


RE: Visio Viewer shows blank pages in Internet Explorer 6
Content-Type: text/plai
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bi

There are a number of different IE updates which have impacted the behavior
of ActiveX controls loading in IE6. Since the Viewer is a control, the
users need the ability to see/approve of the use of the control. Some
systems have Group Policies in place which suppress the information bar,
which can impact the Viewer

Also, there have been some Security Updates which seem to have a direct
impact on the way the Viewer loads. Check to see if you have MS06-020
installed. If so, then you want to ensure that MS06-033 is also installed.
Some systems (at least a few Server 2003 machines, in particular) have also
needed MS06-057

Hope that helps

Barb Wa
Product Support - Visi
Microsoft Corporatio
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights

Content-Type: text/x-rt
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bi

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fprq2\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 There are a number of different IE updates which have impacted the behavior of ActiveX controls loading in IE6. Since the Viewer is a control, the users need the ability to see/approve of the use of the control. Some systems have Group Policies in place which suppress the information bar, which can impact the Viewer
\par Also, there have been some Security Updates which seem to have a direct impact on the way the Viewer loads. Check to see if you have MS06-020 installed. If so, then you want to ensure that MS06-033 is also installed. Some systems (at least a few Server 2003 machines, in particular) have also needed MS06-057 (;EN-US;939653).
\par Hope that helps!
\par Barb Way
\par Product Support - Visio
\par Microsoft Corporation
\par This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
\par }

Re: Visio Viewer shows blank pages in Internet Explorer 6
I'm quite willing to accept the epithet MisterStateTheObvious (with
the rider that I have over 30 years experience of writing software)
but wouldn't a Visio viewer application built from the Visio source
code be not be a very easy option?

1. disable all the standard Visio start up behaviour to choose the
diagram type.
2. disable most of the now inappropriate menus and toolbars. The only
menus needed are Open, Print, Print Preview, maybe View -> Zoom. You
might also want to keep Find and Goto Page.
3. disable macros.
4. disable the appropriate CMNDs.
5. disable VBA. COM and automation
6. new startup splash screen
7. no Options, no security settings, no registry entries

That's probably > 95% of the work done.

Regards, Paul Herber, Sandrila Ltd.
Electronics for Visio

The only downside is that you would have an application that pigs out on
The only downside is that you would have an application that pigs out on
space, but does not do much.

John... Visio MVP

PS: I made the same argument for the first Visio viewer. In Visio 1 and 2,
there was a demo version that could be used as a "Viewer", but for later
versions there was no "free" viewer. So stripping down Visio was suggested,
but there was a long list of reasons why it could not be done. File bloat
was a key problem.

Need stencils or ideas?
Need VBA examples?
Visio Wishlist

Re: Visio Viewer shows blank pages in Internet Explorer 6
MS, mostly space...

Guys, Issue is resolved by installing the latest IE6 Cummulative Patch.
Guys, Issue is resolved by installing the latest IE6 Cummulative Patch.
Thanks all for your assistance.


Re: Visio Viewer shows blank pages in Internet Explorer 6
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

C'mon, guys - there's a wonderful viewer out on the Office Online site.
It's called the Trial ... after 30 days, it's a viewer :)

... I'm KIDDING. But it would work, and be really big, as John noted.

Barb Way
Product Support - Visio
Microsoft Corporation
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
Content-Type: text/x-rtf
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fprq2\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 C'mon, guys - there's a wonderful viewer out on the Office Online site.
\par It's called the Trial ... after 30 days, it's a viewer :)
\par ... I'm KIDDING. But it would work, and be really big, as John noted.
\par Barb Way
\par Product Support - Visio
\par Microsoft Corporation
\par This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
\par }

and that is what we recommended in the old days on the CompuServe forum,
and that is what we recommended in the old days on the CompuServe forum,
before Visio 3.0.

John... Visio MVP

Submitted via EggHeadCafe - Software Developer Portal of Choice
axWebBrowser1.Navigate Auto Page Loader In A Real Browser

mr B

I have XP Pro - Office 2007 and I've tried to install Visio Viewer 2007 and 2010 to get the viewer to actually show the file but MS Internet Explorer returns a blank page. I've tried to implement the registry fix in the MS documentation. Microsucks suggests that we install Viewer 2003 but they have broken all of the download links to this version. We would suggest that Microsucks produce a product that works - perhaps a program that recognizes when a supporting program like ACTIVE X is not working properly. Perhaps some sort of diagnostic routine to determine what the problem is if this is so complicated. We just can not implement all of the security updates that Microsucks puts out - mostly because some of them - always random - cause problems with our work environment. When we actually get some competition for MS then we will see better product from them. Better yet let's just switch to cloud computing and eliminate Bill and his team altogether.

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