A medical dictionary for spellchecking in Word.



It is annoying to have half of my papers underlined for "incorrect spelling"
simply because the medical terms are not in my dictionary. I have been
trying to add them to the dictionary, but there are so many. It would also
be nice to have them all in place so that they may help to catch actual


You can import from a list of words such as this one:


Most "specialized" word lists are kept separate to help the performance of
the spell check engine. It's the old 90/10 rule... 90% of the people only
use 10% of the words... it would slow things down to include the other 90% of
the words for the other 10% of the people!


Realtor Tim

hey Troy, (or any other knowledgable person)
I am not yet ready to add/import the mentioned file, but out of curiosity,
where would one import the file to?
What folder?
and how would word know to go look for it?

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