A question about the size of the letters in stationary



What I want is a text in Verdana 12pt and below this a text in Verdana 10pt.
And all of this in stationery.

I have made an html in stationary where the text is written in large and
small letters (<font size=â€3â€>big</font>and<font size=â€1â€>small</font>). How
can I put this in Outlook. Outlook 2003 (on windows 2003 r2 enterprise
edition, terminal service) ignores the size of the letters. It doesn’t work
even with CSS font-size.

I’ve looked on http://www.slipstick.com/mail1/html.htm and

I’ve already asked this in the Dutch discussion groups, unfortunately
without any results.
Can somebody please help me with this.

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