Cannot change shape text



I have Visio 2000.
I am using UML "use case" shape.
I create several diagram in several shapes. No layers, no groups.
Now to create shapes on a new page, I selected shapes on another page,
cut and paste on the other. I was working on the new page, when
suddently I cannot change the text inside my UC ?

I double click on the shape, nothing happens. I didn`t knew there where
a "behavior" option for the shape, was set on default, and then I
changed it to edit text. Then it complains that the shape or layer
protection prevent editing the text. There is no layer, and I remove
all protections (they were only with and height selected).

No go. Cant change the text. However, on the other pages, the UC shapes
behave as they should. What have I done wrong?


Woosh! I found how to change the size of the UML use case ellipse. You
have to select the ellipse, then select the "line" tool, two green
handle show up, and then you can resize the ellipse. But...(has to have
a "but")...the text dont resize or re-justifies. I tried selecting the
shape again, selection the "text" tool, and change the text box, but it
complains that the shape or layer protection dont allow the operation.
I have no layer defined, and I have remove all protection using

No answer to this message will force me to conclude that MS is dropping
supporr for this tool in favor of a new upcomping one.

John Marshall, MVP

The UML solution expects it has full control of the shapes, but since they
are Visio shapes, you can unprotect the shapes. Look for Protection under
the Format menu. There are more ways to protect a shape, but you will have
to open the shapes shapesheet.

About a week ago, Microsoft held a Visio only conference. Though the main
purpose was to preview Visio 12, they did indicate that they are still
behind the product. As to the UML solution, there is nothing new.

John... Visio MVP

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