changing text into uppercase



in a form how can i set it to automaticaly turn all lower case into
upper case when i move out out the text cell on my form


change 'ghr5htu6' into GHR5HTU6'


in a form how can i set it to automaticaly turn all lower case into
upper case when i move out out the text cell on my form


change 'ghr5htu6' into GHR5HTU6'

Code the control's AfterUpdate event:

[ControlName] = UCase([ControlName])

Jeff Boyce

Be aware that if you change all the text to upper case in the underlying
data (i.e., in the table), you will not easily be able to change it back to
"proper case" if needed. If that isn't a concern, no worries!

If, however, you are changing text like someone's last name, MACDONALD will
not easily convert back to MacDonald.

Do you actually have to STORE all upper case, or are you looking for a way
to DISPLAY upper case, no matter what is stored? If the latter, use a query
and the UCase() function.


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Microsoft IT Academy Program Mentor

Microsoft Registered Partner

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