example using DSUM worksheet function in a VBA function



Does anyone have sample code of using
WorksheetFunction.DSum(rDB, rColumn, rCriteria) in a VBA function?



MsgBox Application.WorksheetFunction.DSum(Range("A1:D8"), Range("C1"),

- the table (headers + data): A1:D8
- the sum field header in C1 (here 'Data')
- the criteria as G3 being the header name (here 'Description') and G4 the
filter value for that header (here 'Gasket')

returns the correct value in my case.


What is the best way to dynamically change the criteria to sum all the
fields in the Data column in a loop


Could you please give a few examples.

The DSUM function requires that you write the criteria table to the sheet.
Instead, you could use the SUMPRODUCT function.

Say you have:
- A2:A100 : data for field Gender
- B2:B100: data for field Age
- C2:C100: data for field Sales

To get the sum of Sales for males (="M") older than 30yr-old(>30), you would
use the formula:
= SUMPRODUCT( (A2:A100="M") * (B2:B100>30) * (C2:C100) )

Note that it also allow wildcard charactyers, ie A2:A100="*" would return
the sum for all genders.

In vba you would use:

Sub test()
'sum Sales for Males of age >30
MsgBox GetSum(Range("C2:C100"), "=""M""", ">30")
End Sub

Function GetSum(ColToSum As Range, GenderCriteria As String, AgeCriteria As
Dim s As String
s = "= SUMPRODUCT( (" _
& Application.Intersect(ColToSum.EntireRow, _
ColToSum.Parent.Range("A2").EntireColumn).Address _
& GenderCriteria & ") * (" _
& Application.Intersect(ColToSum.EntireRow, _
ColToSum.Parent.Range("B2").EntireColumn).Address _
& AgeCriteria & ") * (" _
& ColToSum.Address & ")) "
GetSum = Application.Evaluate(s)
End Function

Finally to get sevral SUM columns, using the GetSum function above, you
would do something like :
Sub test()
Dim i As Long, rgToSum As Range
Dim firstCol As String, lastCol As String, rowsToSUm As String
Dim GCriteria As String, ACriteria As String

'sum from col C to E
firstCol = "C"
lastCol = "E"
rowsToSUm = "2:100"
GCriteria = "=""M"""
ACriteria = ">30"

For i = Asc(firstCol) To Asc(lastCol)
Set rgToSum = Application.Intersect(Range(rowsToSUm), Range(Chr(i) &
":" & Chr(i)))
MsgBox GetSum(rgToSum, GCriteria, ACriteria)
Next i
End Sub

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