I created a Visio 2007 stencil that has the Chen ER diagram shapes. Here it is
Sea wrote:
How can I create a Chen ERD in Visio 2007?
I am trying to do an assignment for my Database Management Systems class tha
requires a Chen diagram. Can I do this with Visio 2007?
Previous Posts In This Thread:
How can I create a Chen ERD in Visio 2007?
I am trying to do an assignment for my Database Management Systems class tha
requires a Chen diagram. Can I do this with Visio 2007?
I don't know if this is a standard or pro version feature.
I do not know if this is a standard or pro version feature. Easy why to tel
would be to go to file > new > and see if Software - Chen ERD is listed
This may have been dropped along the line somewhere.
This may have been dropped along the line somewhere. I see it back to Visi
Technical 4.1, but I do not see it in either V2003 Pro or V2007 std. Unles
I am missing something
RE: How can I create a Chen ERD in Visio 2007?
Content-Type: text/plai
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As far as I know, Visio 2000 Enterprise version was the last one which
contained the Chen diagram type.
Barb Wa
Product Support - Visi
Microsoft Corporatio
[This posting is provided "As Is" with no warranties, and confers no
This may have been dropped along the line somewhere. I see it back to
Technical 4.1, but I don't see it in either V2003 Pro or V2007 std. Unless
I'm missing something
Content-Type: text/x-rt
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{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fprq2\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs26 As far as I know, Visio 2000 Enterprise version was the last one which contained the Chen diagram type.
\par Barb Wa
\par Product Support - Visi
\par Microsoft Corporatio
\par [This posting is provided "As Is" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
\par \pard\li720 -------------------
\par This may have been dropped along the line somewhere. I see it back to Visio
\par Technical 4.1, but I don't see it in either V2003 Pro or V2007 std. Unless
\par I'm missing something
\par "WapperDude" wrote
\par > I don't know if this is a standard or pro version feature. Easy why to tell
\par > would be to go to file > new > and see if Software - Chen ERD is listed
\par >
\par > Wapperdud
\par >
\par >
\par > "Sean" wrote
\par >
\par > > I'm trying to do an assignment for my Database Management Systems class that
\par > > requires a Chen diagram. Can I do this with Visio 2007
\par \pard
Re: How can I create a Chen ERD in Visio 2007?
I have created a stencil for Visio 2007 that has the Chen ER diagram shapes. Here it is
Re: How can I create a Chen ERD in Visio 2007?
I created a Visio 2007 stencil that has the Chen ER diagram shapes. Here it is
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