Insert a Section in Numerical Order



I would like to create a macro that will place a chapter
in proper numerical order in relation to other chapters
in a document, but I am not sure how to do it.

Here is some info that may be relavant:

Each existing chapter is preceded by an odd page section

The "chapters" are not sequentially numbered. For
instance, three consecutive chapters could be numbered as
follows: 10987, 11001, 11678.

Each chapter begins like "Chapter 99999 - Chapter Title"

The chapters do not all begin with the same style.

Each inserted chapter should begin and end in an odd
page section break.

Can anybody help get me started?
Thanks for any help.

Word Heretic

G'day "Robert" <[email protected]>,

Please specify how the numbering is achieved: I suspect manual (you
have hard typed it in).

Then i would set up an array containing the paragraph numbers of the
headings, produce an ordered index to such, then follow that index to
cut the originals and paste the finals.

If needed we can slowly work on this together on here, or you are
quite welcome to complete the tutorials at to get a leg up on this.

Steve Hudson - Word Heretic
Want a hyperlinked index? S/W R&D? See

steve from (Email replies require payment)

Robert reckoned:


Yes, the numbers are manually inserted in that they are
pre-existing and static. That is, the "chapters" to be
included are already numbered, and that number will not
change. Two types of chapters will be included: chapters
that already exist and chapters that will be created from
scratch. Chapters that already exist will already be
numbered, and that number will not change regardless of
what other chapters are included; if a new chapter has to
be created from scratch, it will have a chapter number
provided by the user. That chapter number will not
change either. There is no autonumbering in chapter

I will check out the MVP link and see what I can figure

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