I'm just getting underway with BCM and have a few
fundamental questions:
1. BCM Business Contacts appear to be distinct from
Outlook 2003 Contacts: it took an hour to Export/Import
my Outlook data. As the saying goes, "The man with two
watches doesn't know what time it is." Which should I use
to update contact info?? Help info hints that Business
Contacts should be used for business, and Outlook
Contacts reserved for "personal information." This
suggests I should update contact info ONLY in BCM and let
the Outlook Contacts database lapse. This doesn't sound
very integrated to me...
2. In a similar vein, I need to create email groups for
an imminent email campaign. Should I do this with
Outlook Distribution Lists, or via a BCM Account and
linked Business Contacts? Is there any difference?
Using Dist Lists is easier, since I know how to do that,
but will I realize later I've shot myself in the foot
because I can't link the Lists to the relevant Accounts?
Can;t afford to waste time going down a dark alley.
fundamental questions:
1. BCM Business Contacts appear to be distinct from
Outlook 2003 Contacts: it took an hour to Export/Import
my Outlook data. As the saying goes, "The man with two
watches doesn't know what time it is." Which should I use
to update contact info?? Help info hints that Business
Contacts should be used for business, and Outlook
Contacts reserved for "personal information." This
suggests I should update contact info ONLY in BCM and let
the Outlook Contacts database lapse. This doesn't sound
very integrated to me...
2. In a similar vein, I need to create email groups for
an imminent email campaign. Should I do this with
Outlook Distribution Lists, or via a BCM Account and
linked Business Contacts? Is there any difference?
Using Dist Lists is easier, since I know how to do that,
but will I realize later I've shot myself in the foot
because I can't link the Lists to the relevant Accounts?
Can;t afford to waste time going down a dark alley.