Task types in MS Project 2007 does not act as in program help

Mar 2, 2012
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Dear Sir

Task types in MS Project 2007 does not act as in program help.

Case one:

For a fixed units task of 4 days duration, 8 hours/day, using only one work resource R1 at 50% units to perform work of 16 hours and not effort driven task, if I add a work resource R2 to this task at 50% units, program recalculates work to 32 hours [(50% + 50%) x 4days x 8h/d] and suggests another option by a temporary indicator that, to fix work and recalculate duration.

In program help it is mentioned in a table clearly (In a, Fixed units task, If you revise units, Duration is recalculated).

Case two:

For a fixed work task of 4 days duration, 8 hours/day, using only one work resource R1 at 50% units to perform work of 16 hours and effort driven task, if I increase duration to 6 days, program fixes unit at 4 days, recalculates work to 24 [50% x 6days x 8h/d] and suggests another option by a temporary indicator that, to fix work and recalculate units.

In program help it is mentioned in a table clearly (In a, Fixed work task, If you revise duration, Units are recalculated).

I am confused.
I am sharing my MS project knowledge and I am keen to give everything in compliance with program help.
These two cases are not in compliance with program help; at least for me.
What is my mistake?
Please lead me?
Last edited:
Mar 2, 2012
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Dear All

A friend revised my file, found that my task type in case 2 is fixed unit not fixed work as I mentioned.
This was my mistake in case 2.

But my inquiry about case 1 still stand without reply.

Any help please !!!

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