toolbar buttons from 2 different templates appearing together



I created a template in English that has a button in the
toolbar to open a UF with the English titles. I have an
identical template which opens the French version of the

How do I get the 2 buttons (from 2 different templates) to
appear in my toolbar at once. I get one button or the
other but not both.

The button that opens the UF is associated with the
following code in the E template and also in the F

Sub autonew()
End Sub

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Carole,
I created a template in English that has a button in the
toolbar to open a UF with the English titles. I have an
identical template which opens the French version of the

How do I get the 2 buttons (from 2 different templates) to
appear in my toolbar at once. I get one button or the
other but not both.
It can certainly be done, but not "simply". When templates
are loading toolbars with the same name, both won't be
displayed, just the one having precedence. When two addins
are involved, it will be the addin loading last.

What you could to is
1) Have separate toolbars (different names) for the two

2) Have macro code (probably an AutoExec macro) that creates
(or makes visible or enables) each button (if it's not
already there; or deletes on closing). This approach can get
complicated fairly quickly. Since you're posting in the
Beginners group, you may want to think very seriously about

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Sep
30 2003)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow
question or reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)


Hi Cindy,

This is not working well for me at all! I need more
specific instructions. I changed the names of my macros
in the 2 templates (SommaireF and SummaryE) but the same
button sometimes show twice for the French template,
sometimes the English one shows by itself. Both templates
are attached. I just can't make sense of it.

Do you have an article I can read or some kind of

Thank you.



Salut Carole,

IMHO, what you need is global template that will contain the toolbar and the
code to activate all the templates you need.

Create a global template (a blank template).
In that global template, create the modules you need to call/activate the
templates you use to create documents.
Also create and associate a toolbar with this global template (not with the
document templates).
Then create a menu on that toolbar, something like: "Documents".
Add menu items that will call the code needed to activate the necessary
(something like:
Documents.Add Template:="D:\Shared\Public Templates" _
& "\Bilingual\"
When the user clicks on that menu button, a list drop downs listing all the
available templates.

Save that global template in Word's startup folder (Tools / Options /
Default folders).

If you need more help, holler back... I do this all the time for my clients.

Bonne chance!

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