Trying to search a block of text for presence and frequency of terms in Excel

Oct 22, 2014
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The problem:

I have a list of text terms and phrases in an Excel spreadsheet. I
want to check large blocks of text (paragraphs, essays, etc.) for the
presence and the frequency of these terms and phrases. Can someone
please suggest the easiest or best route? Should I be looking into SQL
and indexing functions here?


Tom Ogilvy

for each cell in Range("A1:A10")
msgbox cell.value & ": " & application.Countif( _
Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:Z200"),"*" & _
cell.Value & "*")

Probably isn't the complete solution, but should give you some ideas.

It counts how many cells contain the searched for string (but if a cell has
it more than once, the cell is only counted once)

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