what does "Scheduling ignores resource calenders" mean?




When I was setting the calender of my project to a new calender, there is an checkbox. The content of this checkbox is "Scheduling ignores resource calenders" . What if I check it


Jan De Messemaeker

Hi Jie,

I only get that checkbox when assigning a task calendar to a task (in fact I
only see it in Task Information, Advanced)

There its meaning is as follows:

When you assign to a task both a resource and a task calendar, Project will
schedule the task when both the task calendar and the resource calendar show
working time.
When however this box is checked the task will be scheduled based on the
task calendar only.
For instance, Resource Calendar is normal 5/7, Task Calendar is 7/7
When the box is checked a 3 day task starting on Fr morning ends on Su night
When not, it ends on Tue night


Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
Project Management Consultancy
Prom+ade BVBA
32-495-300 620
Jie said:

When I was setting the calender of my project to a new calender, there is
an checkbox. The content of this checkbox is "Scheduling ignores resource
calenders" . What if I check it?


Thanks for your response Jan. It helps me realize resource calender may be different from project calender.

Steve House

My short explanation is that the task schedule normally follows the
resource's work schedule since work can't take place except when the
person doing it is as work. The task calendar allows one to designate
an exception calendar for unusual tasks. If when you assign resources
you expect the resource to change his work schedule to accomodate the
task's requirements instead of the more usual behavior the other way
around, you click on the "scheduling ignores..." check box.

Steve House
MS Project MVP
Visit http://www.mvps.org/project/faqs.htm for the FAQs

Jie said:
Thanks for your response Jan. It helps me realize resource calender
may be different from project calender.

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