2 custom menu bars, depending on permissions?




I am trying to create two custom menu bars for my application, one for
read-only users (without delete record), and one for update-access
users (with delete record).

I only need File and Edit options. File will be the same on both, but
Edit will have different options.
When I create an Edit menu on the custom menu bar, and then modify it,
it seems to also be changing the Edit menu on the other custom menu,
AND the Edit menu on the default Menu Bar. I'm thoroughly confused!

This is my first attempt at creating menu bars. Here are the steps
I've been following:
From Tools, I go to Customize, New. I change the property from
Toolbar to Menu Bar. I copy the Edit Menu from my default menu bar on
the top of the page by pressing <CTRL> and EDIT and dragging it to my
new custom menu bar. I drag unnecessary items off the new custom Edit
menu. But then when I look at either the first custom menu bar I
created or my default one on top, they are both missing all the items
I dragged off.

Can you have several Edit menus with different options, and display
just one at a time?

I want to have 2 custom menu bars, then in my startup VBA, use just
one depending on the user's permissions. I have that all coded, but
it's the creation of the custom menu bars that I seem to be struggling

Many thanks -


ps - I am using Microsoft Access 2003, and I have checked "Microsoft
Office 11.0 Object Lib" in References.


Hi Tim,
I received your email after I got help from a co-worker, and now
realize I was setting up my new menu incorrectly. I was not using the
"create a new menu" option! Instead, I was just dragging (while
holding control key) the Edit menu. This was the big "aha" moment!
Create a New Menu is the last option within the Commands Tab on the
Customize pop-up. I didn't know about this.

Soooo... all is working fine now. Thank you so much for your help. I
will take your advice and only use one menu bar, and dim the one item
that's not used by everyone, too.


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