a couple of other questions....


American River I/A

Right now we have two computers on our home based lan running Groove 3.1
(comps A&B), and another computer (comp C) offsite running Groove 3.1

All three seem to be synching ok, with the following exceptions:

Computer A - When a workspace is created on this computer, it shows up on B
& C, but you can't download it onto B & C. An hour glass shows up for a
split second when you try and download the workspace, then disappears, and
nothing happens (the "get workspace" is still available verses the
"downloading workspace" )

Computers B & C - Workspaces created on both of these show up and are
downloadable on A, B, & C. However, when you try to access
options/preferences on these two computers, we get an error message with a
window saying to report the error to Groove.

Any ideas? I know there is a groove clean command that we could probably
run on B & C to fix the access problem to preferences, but we haven't tried
that yet.


send me an invitation to a test workspace (with Comp A, B & C).
email below.



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