Access FE, mySQL BE and SSL



Does anyone know where to put the SSL certificates if using access FE to
connect to mySQL BE? What we have done is mapped a network drive on the PC ,
which is where to SSL certificates, etc. are for the ODBC connection. It
works fine, however, this requires a password and allows others access to the

How can I configure SSL so that user does not have access to certificates
and they do not need a password - I am sure this is done all the time!!!


a a r o n . k e m p f

wow.. this sounds cool-- I've just never heard of this before.

I think that one of the main reasons that I choose to use Access Data
Projects, is because it integrated with Active Directory without any
trouble at all.

If you want a true client-server plug and play environment-- I'd just
migrate to ADP.



I thought ADP was not being, or going to be supported?
Aside from that I have an Access FE that I want to run locally on different
computers, Don't really know much about ADP but I thought that it would not
handle this.

Anyway, mysql is free and easy to set up. I actually have it working and it
works just as if you were still using access BE- sortof the best of two
worlds. I do not know why people use user level security since it only keeps
out the 'honest' thief and don't use an encrypted BE that is free like mysql


Tony Toews [MVP]

salmonella said:
I thought ADP was not being, or going to be supported?

No, however it hasn't been enhanced in several versions of Access.
Whereas MDB/ACCDBs have been heavily enhanced.

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can
read the entire thread of messages.
Microsoft Access Links, Hints, Tips & Accounting Systems at
Tony's Microsoft Access Blog -

a a r o n . k e m p f

this is just WRONG
ADPs had great improvements with Access 2000, 2002, 2003, and 2007.

Jet hasn't had simple stability/performance bugs fixed in a decade.

I just don't understand why you give blatantly incorrect information,


George Hepworth


Please list two or three of the improvements to ADPs which were introduced
in Access 2007. Thanks.

this is just WRONG
ADPs had great improvements with Access 2000, 2002, 2003, and 2007.

Jet hasn't had simple stability/performance bugs fixed in a decade.

I just don't understand why you give blatantly incorrect information,


Tony Toews [MVP]

this is just WRONG
ADPs had great improvements with Access 2000, 2002, 2003, and 2007.

ADPs were introduced in A2000 but haven't had any significant
improvements since.
Jet hasn't had simple stability/performance bugs fixed in a decade.


Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can
read the entire thread of messages.
Microsoft Access Links, Hints, Tips & Accounting Systems at
Tony's Microsoft Access Blog -

a a r o n . k e m p f

1) SQL 2005 Support
(Pivot, Unpivot, Common Table Expressions, etc)
(Better covering indexes- you can INCLUDE a column as a datapoint,
without making it another level to the index).
Meanwhile, Tony probably never uses covering indexes, because Jet
doesn't really support anything this powerful.
Again, these features are enabled in the interface for ADP 2007;
giving us TONS of new functionality.
(Dynamic Management Views, for example ' Select * FROM
Sys.Dm_Db_MissignIndexDetails ')

2) Binding of controls, stretching of controls, etc-- 80% of the
improvements you got in Jet

3) XML functionality in TSQL

4) Performance Improvements

5) Ability to import / export to SharePoint

6) Graphical Buttons for 'Stored Procedure Type' - this gives quite a
bit more visibility
(because you gray hairs claim that ADP doesn't support Action
This allows for a simple single click to change a sproc to a
Select, Update, Insert, Delete, Make Table, etc

7) Continued ability to copy and paste a table
(this has actually been improved to fix the DDL in SysComments)
Again, this functionality-- which seems QUITE simple to me-- is not
available via _ANY_ other tool, or _ANY_ other enterprise RDBMS

8) Continued ability to use Computed / Calculated columns (IN TABLES)
(this is not included in Jet or in ACCDB, and it is probably by #1
favorite feature in SQL Server, I've been able to do this since 2000)

9) VLDB support. SQL Server doesn't have a 2gb limit. The free
version has a _4gb_ limit- which is about 10 times larger than the 2gb
_ESPECIALLY_ because SQL Server is much more efficient at storing
A 40mb Jet file might translate into a 15mb SQL Server table--
because again, we've got datatypes, and you don't.

10) VBDB (Very Busy Database) support. Supports > 30,000 users.
(I still don't see any TPC benchmarks using Jet ROFL)

11) SSIS Support. Real ETL for real men.
Jet doesn't support 1/10th of the functionality of DTS let alone

12) SSRS Support. I can easily email ADP users reports, on a scheduled
basis-- without writing any code.
I can also give someone a URL so that they can get to ADP data, and
this doesn't work for Jet.
Again-- SSRS is included in the _FREE_ SQL Server Express products.

13) Free Access 2007 Runtime for ADP users.

14) The new 'Import / Export' Functionality that is also available in

15) Prettier 'Export to Word' functionality.

16) Prettier 'Export to Excel' functionality.

a a r o n . k e m p f

_WHAT_ are you talking about, dude?

Being able to use PIVOT and CTE is a -BIG- deal.

Being able to use 'Dynamic Management Views' is a -BIG- deal.
Being able to copy and paste tables / sprocs / views.. is a -BIG-

I just think that it's a shame that you spread lies like this.

Jet hasn't had a single bug fix in a decade, and you somehow claim
it's the futurue!!!

YAY for an obsolete database -GAG-

a a r o n . k e m p f

I just don't get where you get off-- talking about how these aren't
new features:
Access 2002 = better design view for Sprocs, Consolidation of Sprocs
and Views into 'Queries'
Access 2002 = Support for UDFs in the GUI
Access 2000 = months after release, there were patches for SQL 2000
Access 2002 / 2003 (I'm not positive) = PivotTable support
Access 2002 / 2003 = Better OWC support
Access 2002 = Better table design view (I Actually prefer to have the
option to use Access 2000 Design View)


Why don't you stop spreading lies, Tony-- everything that you say
about ADP is a lie.
I really don't understand where you get off, blatantly lying about MS

They have had many improvements over the past decade, meanwhile, Jet
is the database that has festered

a a r o n . k e m p f

They're _ALL_ specific to ADP

1) SQL 2005 Support
(Pivot, Unpivot, Common Table Expressions, etc)
(Better covering indexes- you can INCLUDE a column as a datapoint,
without making it another level to the index).
Meanwhile, Tony probably never uses covering indexes, because Jet
doesn't really support anything this powerful.
Again, these features are enabled in the interface for ADP 2007;
giving us TONS of new functionality.
(Dynamic Management Views, for example ' Select * FROM
Sys.Dm_Db_MissignIndexDetails ')

2) Binding of controls, stretching of controls, etc-- 80% of the
improvements you got in Jet

3) XML functionality in TSQL

4) Performance Improvements

5) Ability to import / export to SharePoint

6) Graphical Buttons for 'Stored Procedure Type' - this gives quite a
bit more visibility
(because you gray hairs claim that ADP doesn't support Action
This allows for a simple single click to change a sproc to a
Select, Update, Insert, Delete, Make Table, etc

7) Continued ability to copy and paste a table
(this has actually been improved to fix the DDL in SysComments)
Again, this functionality-- which seems QUITE simple to me-- is not
available via _ANY_ other tool, or _ANY_ other enterprise RDBMS

8) Continued ability to use Computed / Calculated columns (IN TABLES)
(this is not included in Jet or in ACCDB, and it is probably by #1
favorite feature in SQL Server, I've been able to do this since 2000)

9) VLDB support. SQL Server doesn't have a 2gb limit. The free
version has a _4gb_ limit- which is about 10 times larger than the
_ESPECIALLY_ because SQL Server is much more efficient at storing
A 40mb Jet file might translate into a 15mb SQL Server table--
because again, we've got datatypes, and you don't.

10) VBDB (Very Busy Database) support. Supports > 30,000 users.
(I still don't see any TPC benchmarks using Jet ROFL)

11) SSIS Support. Real ETL for real men.
Jet doesn't support 1/10th of the functionality of DTS let alone

12) SSRS Support. I can easily email ADP users reports, on a
basis-- without writing any code.
I can also give someone a URL so that they can get to ADP data,
this doesn't work for Jet.
Again-- SSRS is included in the _FREE_ SQL Server Express

13) Free Access 2007 Runtime for ADP users.

14) The new 'Import / Export' Functionality that is also available in

15) Prettier 'Export to Word' functionality.

16) Prettier 'Export to Excel' functionality.

a a r o n . k e m p f

can you write a stored procedure in Jet that uses Common table
it's a great way to get rid of the whole 'loop through this recordset
and do stuff' because.. uh.. Jet doesn't support loops / while /

TSQL is a fantastic product.
ADP is a fantastic product.
And Jet is a baby spreadsheet sized database


Salmonella, this person does not seem to be able to distinguish between a
good many things, for example, between MySQL and Microsoft SQL Server, between
front end and back end... confusing SQL Server features with ADP
features..., and between current and obsolescent database application
formats. Also, he seems to have some difficulty with such "complex" math as
multiplication... thinks 4GB is 10 times as much as 2GB.

Gen'l Access

: <nonsense>

a a r o n . k e m p f

dude you suck.

ADP is a great platform. You don't need to do anything funny in order
to get client-server development using MS Access.
Anything that he's asking to do is free in SQL Server and ADP.

4gb is ten times as much as 2gb, because you can have an unlimited
number of 4gb databases, and they're automagically linked together.
With Jet, you have to setup a spider-web of connections; and it's just
a hassle. What happens when you use a UNC for some links and a mapped
network drive between other links? You start to get a mess real quick.

Having a whole ton of connection strings-- in 100 different places--
is just not necessary any longer.

It is much simpler to use a free, simple, stable, high performance,
enterprise-ready database, such as SQL Server.
Stick is on Windows 2003 web edition if you must. LoL.


Maybe it is your nose that sucks... sucks the controlled substance right up
through the rolled up dollar bill and gets you started ranting and raving. Be
careful, or the long arm of the law might grab onto you and you might end up
in the slammer.

Dude your thinking stinks.

What you list as ADP features are not; they are Microsoft SQL Server
features. SQL Server can be connected to MDB, MDE, ACCDB, and ACCDE as well,
so they are not "improvements to ADP" but only "features of SQL Server".

Also, no DBA worth her/his wages is going to let some pipsqueak developer
use an ADP to manipulate or create the design of the SQL Server database, so
your advice on that subject is useless, worthless, and misleading. Nor will a
competent DBA let a developer create stored procedures on their own. I
suppose that pretty well pinpoints what kind of DBA you are... incompetent
and not worth wages.

4GB is not 10 times 2GB, not even if you are trying to make a point about
the relative size of Jet databases vs. SQL Server Express databases. It is,
however, as is most of your "information", intentionally misleading.

You clearly don't know much about actual database development nor the
feature, ADP, with which you are so obsessed. But you certainly do know what
kinds of message threads you want to "highjack" to try to lead poor users
astray -- that would be "any into which you stumble".

Gen'l Access

a a r o n . k e m p f

what exactly are you implying?

it's false-- any way you look at it.

there's nothing wrong with me, there never has been.

a a r o n . k e m p f

2 times 2 = 4.
so thus I get 2 times as much data.

because I can use -- let's call it _5_ databases-- on the same server-
without any additional configuration- I have 10 times as much space as
your piece of junk 1gb / 2gb limit.

a a r o n . k e m p f

I'm a certified DBA.

I have worked in many occassions where I see a silly Jet developer --
that can't carry their weight-- so I teach them how to build sprocs /
views / funcitons on the database side.

I don't believe that every ADP needs to allow for non-developers to
develop objects
but sometimes, it's really convienent to let power users develop
views / sprocs-- ON THE SERVER-- otherwise, it just takes too much
maintenance to support these objects.

all developers should write stored procedures.
if you call yourself a developer, and you can't write sprocs-- your
job should be outsourced to india.

Just like all the jobs for all the jet developers anywhere-- these
jobs should go to India, because Jet people 'dont get it'.

Jet is dead.
And no-one cares.

Meanwhile, SQL Server is the worlds most popular database, check it
out at

a a r o n . k e m p f

these are all features that extend ADP. Thus-- ADP is getting more
powerful-- yet another reason to move to ADP-- because it keeps on
getting better
(meanwhile Jet still crashes and bloats with a half dozen users and a
silly 25mb database)

It doesn't matter if they're available to Jet users-- they benefit ADP
users a lot more, because you can't write CTE TSQL in the Jet gui.

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