Another rascally VBA SUMPRODUCT issue


Vacuum Sealed

G'day all

This is not a biggy as I am only playing with this workbook.

I am not a big fan of nesting hundreds of formulas, regardless if I can
turn Auto-Calc off or not; Over my works under-resourced, over-stretched
network, it can take forever to make a single recalculation so I look to
VBA to do most in order to side-step nesting.

Moving Forward:

This evaluates to cCell = EMPTY

Sub Update_Col_C()

Dim sSht As Worksheet
Dim mysYear As Range, mysMonth As Range, mysEmp As Range, mysExp As
Range, mysAmt As Range

Dim tSht As Worksheet
Dim mytYear As Range, mytMonth As Range, mytEmp As Range, mytExp As Range
Dim c1 As Range, cCell As Range

Set sSht = Worksheets("Expenses")
Set mysYear = sSht.Range("$A$2:$A$5000")
Set mysMonth = sSht.Range("$B$2:$B$5000")
Set mysEmp = sSht.Range("$D$2:$D$5000")
Set mysExp = sSht.Range("$E$2:$E$5000")
Set mysAmt = sSht.Range("$H$2:$H$5000")

Set tSht = Worksheets("Summary")
Set mytYear = tSht.Range("$B$1")
Set mytMonth = tSht.Range("$D$1")
Set mytEmp = tSht.Range("$C$2")

''used syntax that failed envoking ( Type MisMatch Error 13 ):
''Set mytexp = ccell.offset(0, -2).value

Set c1 = tSht.Range("C3:C134")

For Each cCell In c1
With cCell
.Value = WorksheetFunction.SumProduct((mysYear = mytYear) *
(mysMonth = mytMonth) * (mysEmp = mytEmp) * (mysExp = mytExp) * (mysAmt))
End With
Next cCell

End Sub

As always, thoughts, and or critique welcomed



Vacuum Sealed said:
''used syntax that failed envoking ( Type MisMatch Error 13 ):
''Set mytexp = ccell.offset(0, -2).value

Probably because ccell is not set before that statement, AFAIK.

But perhaps you meant to put or apply this comment inside the For Each

In that case, the problem is that ccell.offset(0, -2).value is a value
(number, text, etc), not an object. The Set statement is specifically for
creating object references.

Perhaps you should simply omit the word Set; that is, make it a normal
assignment statement. But since you declared mytexp as Range, perhaps you
should write:

Set mytexp = ccell.offset(0, -2)

Vacuum Sealed said:
.Value = WorksheetFunction.SumProduct((mysYear = mytYear) * (mysMonth =
mytMonth) * (mysEmp = mytEmp) * (mysExp = mytExp) * (mysAmt))

Syntax like (mysYear = mytYear) works in Excel because Excel creates an
array of values. Likewise for syntax like x*y, where x and y are ranges or

VBA does not have that capability. Instead, you must create a VBA array of
values yourself.

Also note that in Excel, TRUE is 1; but in VBA, True is -1. In your
example, it makes no difference because you are multiplying an even number
(4) of conditional expressions. But if you multipy an odd number (e.g. 3),
the result will be -1 instead of 1, which is probably not what you intended.

Martin Brown

Sub Update_Col_C()

Dim sSht As Worksheet
Dim mysYear As Range, mysMonth As Range, mysEmp As Range, mysExp As
Range, mysAmt As Range

Dim tSht As Worksheet
Dim mytYear As Range, mytMonth As Range, mytEmp As Range, mytExp As Range
Dim c1 As Range, cCell As Range

Set sSht = Worksheets("Expenses")
Set mysYear = sSht.Range("$A$2:$A$5000")
Set mysMonth = sSht.Range("$B$2:$B$5000")
Set mysEmp = sSht.Range("$D$2:$D$5000")
Set mysExp = sSht.Range("$E$2:$E$5000")
Set mysAmt = sSht.Range("$H$2:$H$5000")

Set tSht = Worksheets("Summary")
Set mytYear = tSht.Range("$B$1")
Set mytMonth = tSht.Range("$D$1")
Set mytEmp = tSht.Range("$C$2")

''used syntax that failed envoking ( Type MisMatch Error 13 ):
''Set mytexp = ccell.offset(0, -2).value

Set c1 = tSht.Range("C3:C134")

For Each cCell In c1
With cCell
.Value = WorksheetFunction.SumProduct((mysYear = mytYear) *
(mysMonth = mytMonth) * (mysEmp = mytEmp) * (mysExp = mytExp) * (mysAmt))
End With
Next cCell

End Sub

It won't like this mess at all.
I think you are confused and I cannot guess what your intentions are.

The syntax of sumproduct is (range, range, range)
with at least two identical ranges separted by commas.

You possibly want to use formula array to do this computation eg.

Range("I9").FormulaArray = "=SUM(R[-4]C[-3]:RC[-3],R[-4]C[-2]:RC[-2])"

You might be able to capture it with the macro recorder on a good day
with the wind blowing in the right direction.

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