Attendance Sheet.



Imagine spreadsheet with names of all employees in coloum A. Coloums B, C,
and D are labeled Absent, Late, and Short Shift. All the rest of the coloums
are by date. I need 2 things. First my companies attendance policy says that
if you have more than 4 points in 90 days then bad things happen. Short sifts
and late arrivals are .5 of a point and absent is 1 point. I need to have a
formula that can calculate 90 days in the past and give me each employees
point total from the current date. Second, i need to enter lates and short
shifts by both code and time. Example is SS6 meaning that someone left 6
minutes early. How can i do this and not screw up the above formula?

Any ideas?

Bernard Liengme

Not clear.
What gets entered in the B, C and D columns?
What gets entered under a date column?
Under a date do we have a code for short-shit/late/absent?
Can someone be late AND have short-shift on one day?


B = Absent ( defined as missing an entire work day)
C = Late (defined as not being at work for the start of your shift)
D = Short Shift (defined as not working an enitre shift for whatever reason
except as defined in the definition for being late)

Yes, it is possible to be late and have ashort shift by leaving early.

The code for Absent is "A"
Code for Late is "LCode for Short Shift is "SS".

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