Audit Log - Allen Browne


Kirk P.

I found Allen's Audit Log (, and was
building it into my database. It is properly recording insertions,
deletions, and Edit To, but I'm finding it's not recording the Edit From

The Calling Proc generating the error is AuditEditBegin(), and the error I'm
seeing is 3075: Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression ''EditFr
' pr1'. I have this code in the Before Update event of my form (it's a
subform if that matters):

bWasNewRecord = Me.NewRecord

Call AuditEditBegin("tblData", "audTmpData", "RecID", Nz(Me.RecID, 0),


ruralguy via

Put a breakpoint in the AuditEditBegin() code and see what you are passing to
the Function. Why would you ever have a Null in your RecID field?

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