Auto Update upon shifting, inserting or deleting


Tracy B

I have a worksheet that is used for resource forecasting it has about 14 tabs
at the bottom. One of the tabs is a master that has all the names and a base
amount of hrs that one would work per month i.e. John Smith Jan 120, Feb 120,
Mar 138 and so on. The additional tabs are project tabs that has all the
names (that are listed on the master tab) the person then adds the amount of
time they will spend per month on a particular project i.e John Smith for
Project A in Jan will spend 50 hrs. The formula that I have calculates all
the hrs that the person enters on any of the project tabs against the Master
tab (50 - 120) the results then display on a Avaiable tab (that also has all
the names as the master) i.e. on the avaiable tab John Smith for Jan would
show 70.
My formula is a basic one it is in the cell for each person/month on the
Avaiable tab:
=Master!B4-SUM(DATA!B5,'712 '!B5,'COC Infra'!B5,'COC SLA'!B5,'FI
Hub'!B5,SONIC!B5,M2A!B5,FTP!B5,Radiance!B5,'Windchill COP'!B5,'On
What I need to do is anytime a row is inserted, deleted or moved on the
Master tab have it automatically update the Avaiable and Project tabs or if a
project tab is deleted have it Automatically update the formulas to remove
that reference

Duke Carey

Tracy -

The last part of your question is easily handled by using a 3D SUM, changing
your formula to


You can freely insert or delete sheets between Data & Absence and this
formula will adjust accordingly.

The other question - if all sheets are set up IDENTICALLY, then you simply
need to select them all before modifying the Master sheet. Any changes you
make to the Master while the sheets are grouped will propagate through to all
selected sheets.

will commit a common mistake - Thinking you are changing one sheet when
you'rea ctually changing them all.

If the other sheets are not set up identically, you'll need to get advice
from somebody more experienced than me


Tracy B

Do I put that formula in the define name under the insert menu? or do I type
it in on the Avaiability tab where my formulas are stored now? I must be
doing something wrong I tried to put it in the Name (the 3-D reference) but I
can not get the results to display in the cell on the avaiability tab.

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