Autofill on a form


Matt Hohmeister

Table Student_Info_Core is linked to an external table: a listing of all
students in my high school fed by the district data center.

Table STUDENTS is Student_ID (from Student_Info_Core), OffCampus, and
Special ... this table associates the above students with permission to leave
campus and other comments that should go on the student ID card.

I have a query COMPOUND_QUERY with fields Student_ID and
Compound--concatenating fields from Student_Info_Core to give me "Smith, John
(123123123, 03/04/1991, 09)"; giving me a way to list students in
human-readable format (ie, not just Student_ID).

I'd like to make a form to allow me to quickly populate the table STUDENTS.
I would type in the first several characters of a name, and it would autofill
as a match is found from COMPOUND_QUERY.Compound ... I'd then hit Tab,
spacebar for OffCampus checkbox, Tab, type in Special comment, and they are
added appropriately to table STUDENTS.

I got auto-filling just like this to work in a table by setting Display
Control to Combo Box, Row Source to COMPOUND_QUERY, Column Count to 2, and
Column Widths to 0",2". However, this seemed a bit shaky, and I didn't feel
too comfortable with those concatenated fields in a table. I'd really like to
do this on a form.

Any comments? Suggestions?


Damian S

Hi Matt,

Never ever ever ever ever ever (you get the drift) set the table to show a
combo box in table view - it will give you grief down the track.

To achieve the same thing on a form, simply create a combo box control on
the form that is bound to the Student_ID field, populated by the query used
in your example, with a couple of checkbox fields bound appropriately to
fields in your Student table.

Hope this helps.


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