AVIs Look pixelated during playback



Hi all. I'm having problems with AVI's looking pixelated when I play them
in Powerpoint 2002. They playfine in windows media player and with mplay32.
It seems as if it may be a scale problem. When I insert them I use the size
it defaults to. My AVIs are 720 x 486 playing back on a 1280 x 1024 monitor
resolution. Animated Gifs and WMVs look sharp but get a little dark and the
Gifs do not play smooth enough. I use Premier to create the AVIs using
frames I've rendered out of 3d Studio Max. I can make the AVI any
resolution. How can I fgure out the best resolution and settings for
Powerpoint? Any help on this would be very much appreciated. Thanks.

Austin Myers


An AVI can be just about anything and doesn't tell us much. (Just means the
Audio and Video are Interleaved) Can you tell us what codec you are using
to create the files, data rate, etc.?

Austin Myers
MS PowerPoint MVP Team

Provider of PFCMedia http://www.pfcmedia.com

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