Background picture in Theme in FP 2003


Bob L

I've developed a website ( using FP 2000 that displays a
1600 x 1200 pixel background picture. The website uses themes and the
background picture is defined in the Theme > Customize > Text>More Text
Styles>body>modify>format>borders>shading dialog box.

For the shading dialog box, the settings are: vertical position: 50%,
horizontal position: center, Repeat: no-repeat, Attachment: fixed. The
background displays as I want it in both MS Explorer and Firefox for various
screen resolutions.

I've upgraded to FP 2003 and when I try to apply a new theme using the exact
settings as described above, the background refuses to display correctly in
the Firefox browser. Rather than appearing centered horizontally, the
picture appears too far to the right as though the left border of the
picture is set on the left side of the page and too low as though the top of
the picture is set on the top of the browser.

Any help would be much appreciated.

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