bring microsoft to revenue (income) 100b$ and more in a short ti



I have an idea, a differend concept, solution from haw it's work's now. The
implementation of my idea is simple, but at the beginning it looks like a
suicidal step. Within the implementation of the idea the revenue (income)
of target company will multiply itself in 3-5 years(microsoft from ~55to
~110b) and more. I appologise for my bed english. Yosi.

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Martin Winzig

It's not so dificult,

Microsoft should use a Euro as basic currency, and within 3 year the income
in USD will be 110b USD.(with exchange rate 4USD for 1E.)


Dear Martin Winzig. If you believe in that be long of Euro(take call sell put
....) and be short of $!! I guess in 3 years rate will be 1.1USD for 1Euro.


My idea like puzzle-formed from many little fraction's. A little part of
idea(~5%) protect the microsoft from steel and copy
program's(windows,vista...)-until 60-70% successful in this paragraf. I know
a vote for me is hard, because i can't put my idea on the table, but you
must to undesrstand me, when i will say something concrete, specific aim-he
will be flaying from cage and i will can't to return it back (like a bird).
Friend's, please vote for me. Thanks. Yosi.

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