Bug? Auto-created DIP Form by Infopath for a Sharepoint Document



Can someone confirm if this is a bug?

1) We have 3 Site Columns that are of type "Lookup" to a Sharepoint List on
the Root site.
2) In a Sub-site, we have a document library that has a Content Type that
has the 3 Site Columns mentioned above PLUS a Lookup column to a List in the
same sub-site.

When we tell Sharepoint to "Use the default template for Microsoft Office
applications", and try to create a new document from the content type, we get
an error from Word (or Excel) that the Document Information Panel failed to

I think there is a bug in how Infopath automatically create the DIP with the
dropdown lists. Infopath does not take into consideration that 3 of the 4
lookup fields come from a Site other then where the Document Library exists.
Remember, 3 of the columns are lookups to a List in the parent site and 1 is
a lookup on the current site. The way i can confirm this is by using the
"Create a new custom template" function from the Document Library. Doing so
opens Infopath and create a starting point DIP for me. If you look at the
data connections it creates, they are all referencing the site the Document
Library resides, and not the Root Site of where the columns actually refer

Can anyone help me confirm this?

The only workaround now is to manually create the DIP for EACH content Type
for EACH Library. OUCH!!!

Thanks for any feedback.

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