Can I reinstall Office on new computer if old one is dead?



I purchased Office 2008 for Small Business for a laptop that recently died -
I can't get it to boot at all - so uninstalling the software is out of the
quesiton. Is it possible to reinstall this same software from the original
CDs on my new laptop? I've tried inserting and starting the the CD, but I
get an error stating the a file is corrupt and that I need to use the
original source or download, but this is the original source.

Jeff Strickland

Bridgette said:
I purchased Office 2008 for Small Business for a laptop that recently
died -
I can't get it to boot at all - so uninstalling the software is out of the
quesiton. Is it possible to reinstall this same software from the
CDs on my new laptop? I've tried inserting and starting the the CD, but I
get an error stating the a file is corrupt and that I need to use the
original source or download, but this is the original source.

You purchased Office 2007, not 2008.

Yes, if the original machine has gone to the big recycle bin in the sky,
then you can install your copy of Office onto the replacement machine.

You _might_ be directed to the telephone Activation Method, in which case
you explain the demise of the first machine and they will give you an
activation code for the new one.

If the CD can't be read, then the CD has a problem, or the drive has a
problem. You can test the drive by putting the CD into another machine to
see if it starts. If it does, then your new machine has a defective drive.
If the CD does not start, then the CD is looking to be bad, or dirty or
scratched or otherwise damaged.

JoAnn Paules

Office 2008? That's a Mac version. I would suggest posting your question in
the Office for Macs newsgorup.

Jeff Strickland

That explains the corrupt file notification.

JoAnn Paules said:
Office 2008? That's a Mac version. I would suggest posting your question
in the Office for Macs newsgorup.

JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]
Tech Editor for "Microsoft Publisher 2007 For Dummies"

Bridgette said:
I purchased Office 2008 for Small Business for a laptop that recently
died -
I can't get it to boot at all - so uninstalling the software is out of
quesiton. Is it possible to reinstall this same software from the
CDs on my new laptop? I've tried inserting and starting the the CD, but
get an error stating the a file is corrupt and that I need to use the
original source or download, but this is the original source.

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