cannot access gmail in outlook - able to send test message


Joan A

I have tried multiple times to access my gmail messages in outlook. Followed
the steps, able to send test message but when I sign onto Outlook, cannot see
any gmail emails. Help please!

Brian Tillman

Joan A said:
I have tried multiple times to access my gmail messages in outlook.
Followed the steps, able to send test message but when I sign onto
Outlook, cannot see any gmail emails. Help please!

Well, since we can't see your PC, you'll have to be very thorough in
describing exactly what you've done so far, being sure to include your
Outlook version in the details.

Joan A

I am using Outlook 2003, where I currently access MSN emails. I want to
access my Gmail emails and have followed the directions on how to configure
the email client in Outlook 2003. I am able to send a test message from
Outlook to my gmail account but unable to retrieve any emails sent to my
gmail account in outlook. The only emails that I can view are my msn
ones.Can you tell me what I am doing wrong? Thanks for your help.

Brian Tillman

Joan A said:
I am using Outlook 2003, where I currently access MSN emails. I want
to access my Gmail emails and have followed the directions on how to
configure the email client in Outlook 2003. I am able to send a test
message from Outlook to my gmail account but unable to retrieve any
emails sent to my gmail account in outlook. The only emails that I
can view are my msn ones.Can you tell me what I am doing wrong?

WHile you say you've followed the instructions for configuring Outlook
(without saying what those instructions tell you to do or where you found
them), the question remains whether or not you've followed Google's
instructions for properly configuring your gmail account to allow POP
access. Would you answer that question?

Joan A

I appreciate your patience with me. I followed the Gmail account
instructions, changing the mail settings with the forwarding and POP, etc.
This is how I received the verification email that shows that my account is
working. The problem is that I can't see this email when I'm in OUtlook. I
only see the msn emails.

Please let me know if you want any more specifics.
Thanks so much!

Joan A

HI Brian,
I did follow the directions on this web page:
My setting show forwarding is disabled, POP is enabled for all mail that has
arrived since Nov. 20, keeps Gmail's copy in the inbox and IMAP is enabled. I
have also downloaded microsoft office updates but I cannot see any Gmail
emails and I have sent some test ones to my self.


Brian Tillman

Joan A said:
I did follow the directions on this web page:
My setting show forwarding is disabled, POP is enabled for all mail
that has arrived since Nov. 20, keeps Gmail's copy in the inbox and
IMAP is enabled. I have also downloaded microsoft office updates but
I cannot see any Gmail emails and I have sent some test ones to my

If this were happening to me, I'd enable diagnostic logging and look what's
happeneing in the handshake between Outlook and Google.

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