Can't seem to download trial 2007 Home & Student...



I have Home & Student 2007 installed on my old computer (XP Home) but when
tried to install on new one with Win 7 it would not start the installation.
The Autorun window comes up etc but the disc just sits in the drive & won't
run. I tried to download a trial copy of the above but Prof seems to be the
only free trial available. Any suggestions?

David Troxell - Encourager Software

I have Home & Student 2007 installed on my old computer (XP Home) but when
tried to install on new one with Win 7 it would not start the installation.
The Autorun window comes up etc but the disc just sits in the drive & won't
run. I tried to download a trial copy of the above but Prof seems to be the
only free trial available. Any suggestions?

Office 2007 Downloads *Product Key, MFG - Microsoft

* Office 2007 Downloads - Must have Product Key

If you have a valid key for the Home and Student 2007 installed on the XP
Home computer - check your license terms to be sure - you should be able to
install on up to 3 computers.

If this is so, you can download Home and Student 2007 at the URL I have

Also, on most any install CD/DVD, you can explore the CD/DVD and look for a
Setup.exe file, click on it to start the install. I would try that method
first (before downloading).


From David Troxell - Product Scope 7.9 - Encourager Software
Email -
Product Scope 7 Viewer - NO Registration Fee! Free to Use!

Peter Foldes


The OP is talking about a Trial version of Office. He can only install one time and
to a single computer. He cannot change Trial versions as he is wanting. Read his
post again


Please Reply to Newsgroup for the benefit of others
Requests for assistance by email can not and will not be acknowledged.

David Troxell - Encourager Software


The OP is talking about a Trial version of Office. He can only install one time and
to a single computer. He cannot change Trial versions as he is wanting. Read his
post again


Unfortunately, we don't always get all the details when someone is asking
the first time around.

From what little information that was presented, it appeared to me, the
user possibly had a purchased copy of Home & Student 2007 installed on his
XP machine and wanted to install it on another computer with Windows 7, and
the user had an autorun problem (I have run into autorun problems myself on
Windows 7).

Then possibly the user (according to subject) thought the problem could be
solved by downloading Home & Student 2007 trial (not knowing there is a
download location for Home & Student 2007 with legitimate key) and applying
the key.

Nor do all users return and acknowledge their problem was solved by
suggestions or answer followup questions.

And, what is to prevent someone from obtaining 2 separate 60 day trial keys
for two different computers?


Please Reply to Newsgroup for the benefit of others
Requests for assistance by email can not and will not be acknowledged.

From David Troxell - Product Scope 7.9 - Encourager Software
Email -
Product Scope 7 Viewer - NO Registration Fee! Free to Use!

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