Changing case using the PROPER formula


Jock Reby

I am having trouble changing case, from all caps to Title Case using the
PROPER formula.

I am referencing a cell in the formula, as in the formula is =PROPER(D3).
But the result I'm actually getting in the formula cell is "=PROPER(D3)".

The formula builder is giving the correct result, just not the spreadsheet.

This is using Excel 12.2.1

Thanks for any help.


First of all you're 2 updates behind :) Office 2008 should be at 12.2.3
which is particularly important if running Snow Leopard (10.6.2).

Have a look in Excel> Preferences> View, clear the check on Show Formulas if
there is one. You may have accidentally used the keystroke to toggle display
of formulas (Control+`).

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

Jock Reby

Thanks for this great tip. But it didn't solve the problem unfortunately.

The bizarre thing is that the formula works in a new document, but not in
this one (which I believe was imported from a CSV file though it has since
been saved as xls and xlsx formats).

The easiest solution was to copy and paste all into a new file, and start
from there.

Thanks for the tip re. the updates as well.

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