Changing Tracking Method from Actual Hours to % Work Complete



We are in the process of switching our tracking method from actual
hours to % work complete. However, even though the projects were
republished after the tracking change, in progress tasks stay under the
old tracking method while unstarted tasks will switch to the new
tracking method. I realize that this is how the tool is designed.
However, we are trying to avoid a hybrid environment since this will
become messy.

Does anyone know of any way to get the in-progress tasks to switch to
the new method of tracking while retaining the old tracking data for
those tasks?

All suggestions are appreciated....

Dale Howard [MVP]

Mickey --

There is no direct way to force in-progress tasks to adopt the new method of
tracking. Sorry.


Ok.....thanks, Dale!

Is their an indirect way to force in-progress tasks to adopt the new
method of tracking? If so, what is it? We are willing to modify
tables of data if needed to make this happen.


Dale Howard [MVP]

Mickey --

The indirect way is a bit of work. Here's what you would need to do:

1. Save each project in your Project Server database as an .mpp file
outside the database.
2. Delete each project in the Project Server database.
3. Import each .mpp project individually using Tools - Enterprise Options -
Import Project to Enterprise.
4. After importing a project, click Collaborate - Publish - All
5. After publishing, then republish the assignmnents using Collaborate -
Publish - Republish Assignments and select the "Overwrite actual work
entered by resources" option in the Republish Assignments dialog.
6. Repeat steps #3-6 for every .mpp project.

Step #5 above is required to "push" the data from the Microsoft Project plan
back to each user's timesheet in PWA. If any of the projects in the Project
Server database have associated Risks, Issues, or Documents, then refer to
the following FAQ for the steps needed to preserver the WSS subweb for the
project during the deletion and import process: Documents/DeleteProjectWithoutSubweb.htm

As you can see, the indirect method is not simple. :) Hope this helps.


Ok....thanks, Dale! I appreciate all of your input. I agree that it
definitely is not simple. I will explore the options with our
management team to figure out the best way to proceed.

Thanks again,

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