

Gap from Target

How do I tell Excel not to chart a cell? For example, chart area is Cell
C1:C28 there is an HLookup formula which look for a value in a different
sheet. The HLookup formula returns a value #DIV/0! in cell C28, but the
chart stills plot it. I want Cell C28 to be treated as nothing don't plot
it. If I deleted the HLookup formula in C28, Excel will not ploted it.

Jon Peltier

You could test for the error. Turn your lookup function

=lookup function

into this

=IF(ISERROR(lookup function),NA(),lookup function)

NA() places a different error in the cell, #N/A, which is not plotted in
a line or XY chart. Any line connecting points passes over the gap.

- Jon

Luke M

Change the formula in C28 to something like:

Charts will "skip over" the NA error.

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