Checking the nth row of task... Help!



Does anyone know how to check the "nth" row of the task.

I'm currently working with master project contains the "inserted
project" as summary task. As you might have known the ID of the subtask
under this summary task will be reset to 1. So writing VBA code:
Selecttaskcell Row:=oTask.ID will not solve the issue.

Any ideas out there? Help.............

Rod Gill


This group is closing soon, so please use the project.programming group in

You need to open the sub-project using the subproject property, then you can
access the task in the sub-project.


Rod Gill
Microsoft MVP for Project

Author of the only book on Project VBA, see:


mate.. how stupid that was.. what a shame when you're allowed to inser
the project into master but can't manipulate the data in there

Thanks anyway..



hi mate, you're right... 2 more Qs:

1) how do you disable (via VBA) the wizard planning wizard befor
opening the file? (e.g. avoid ms project to prompt "Open the resourc
pool to see assignments across all sharer files" while opening th
sharer file).

2) how do you force the user to use only resources from resource poo
and make sure there is no local resource for each project?


Rod Gill

There are flags in the VBA command that do that, see help. The DisplayAlerts
method can also hide some messages. You can't force users to only use Pool
Resources. You could write an event for each new assignment to test this. I
would just make sure someone is responsible for keeping the Resource Pool
"clean" and tests at least every month, or that there is an audit process
for each new schedule added to the pool. This should also confirm the new
schedule does not have resources assigned at 100% unless that is what is
really going to happen otherwise the pool data becomes very inaccurate.


Rod Gill
Microsoft MVP for Project

Author of the only book on Project VBA, see:

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