Choose Record from a list in a Subform



Hi, I have a Form called Events and a Subform called People. The Events Form
has fields like Name of Event, Date of Event, Type of Event, EventID. The
Subform is bound or linked by the EventID on the People Table. The People
table has Name, Phone, Email etc. Is there a way I can choose more than one
person for that Event. For Example: Event Name=Wedding, I only want to
invite John, Mary and Joseph. I created a List Box for the Subform, but I am
not sure that will solve the problem. Any ideas?


Thanks for the response but it does not help. I'll try to explain better. In
the 2 table, I already have data, the Event table has "Wedding", "Birthday",
and "Game". The People table has "John", "Mary" and "Joseph". How can I link
those 2 and Choose from existing data, which people are going to each Event.
Wedding:John and Mary. Birthday: Joseph and John. Game: Mary, Joseph and John.


Is there an existing relationship between the 2 tables? If you have, for
example, an EventID field (primary key) in the Events table, you need an
EventID field (foreign key) in the People table. The tables then need to be
related by this field. If the tables are related, and the form/subform was
set up correctly, then it should automatically limit the displayed data based
on the related records.

Or perhaps I misunderstood your question.


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