Cliparts downloaded from Office Online



Version: 2008 Processor: Intel Hi
when I downloaded clip arts from the Office online I couldn't find them on the computer! Does anyone know where in the HDD do they get saved?

Also does anyone know where I can get more free resources for Office 2008! I went to this website called which advertises the Mac courses but the free manuals that they allow you to download is not for Mac unfortunately!

Any help will be much appreciated!



Downloaded files get stored wherever your browser has been instructed to put
them. If using Safari, for example, the default is to save to the Downloads
folder. You can determine what the current setting is by going into the
Preferences for the browser you're using.

As for resources, have you tried the Help menu for the program? Granted,
Office 2008 Help overall is not what it should be, but you will find much
useful information as well as Tutorials & Videos ‹ all free of charge.

You can also access the information from the Mactopia web site:

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

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