Columned Access Reports


Brian Watanabe

I'm trying to create a report that will allow me to show data grabbed from
different queries on the same page.

Specifically, I've got a database that lists different players on different
teams in a fantasy league. What I would like to do is get it to list the
different teams across the top of the report, and then the players underneath.

So it would look like this:

Team A Team B Team C
Player 1 Player 1 Player 1
Player 2 Player 2 Player 2
Player 3 Player 3 Player 3

I have queries to break the players into teams, but when I try to list them
in this way, it always fills the columns with the same data.


Thanks ahead of time for any advice.

Brian Watanabe

One thing I forgot to mention was that it's not simply the names that would
want there, but it's a small list of information. It's first name, last
name, position, team, etc. Thanks.

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