Complex relationships needed to monitor movements of assets?



I am building an Asset database with main form 'frm_Assets' based on
tbl_Asset which contains the fields AssetID (autonum, PK), AssetDescription
(txt), EmployeeID (num, FK), AssetCategory (num, FK), DepartmentID (num, FK).
I wish to add a subform (tabbed) that records the history of movement of
assets from either/both one employee to another or from one department to
another. I have created tblTransaction to hold the records generated as
TransactionID (autonum, PK), TransactionDescription (txt), AssetID (num, FK),
EmployeeID (num, FK), DepartmentID (num, FK), TransactionDate (Date/Time).
Please could you guide me on which relationships should be set and how I
could automate this form as much as possible?

Many thanks in advance,


Larry Daugherty

Hi Joe,

Your request doesn't really fall within the charter of these
newsgroups. They exist as a forum for developers to post their
current *issue* (note the singular) that is giving them trouble and
for other developers to make suggestions and give advice regarding
that one issue. The original poster benefits and the 1001 silent
"lurkers" benefit by the process.

For broader issues such as yours it is expected that you will avail
yourself of other resources, such as related books and tutorials, to
learn strategies for building applications. The concept behind the
newsgroups is not to save you from making efforts but to save you from
endlessly beating your head against the wall when you have tried
everything you have been able to research and still can't come up with
a suitable solution to that particular *issue*.

The people who field these questions and provide answers are unpaid
volunteers. In their "day" jobs they are often well paid. Their time
is to be respected just as you respect your own time.

My usual response to requests such as yours is repeated here:

"What strategies have you already tried"? How did each fail to
provide the result you sought"?

We actually take pleasure in helping budding developers to become self
sufficient in building Access applications.



Larry, I appreciate your comments and regret that my hasty post over
simplified the database and did not give a clear indication of the issue
faced. I have trawled the discussion database, MVP sites and www for the
past 3 days researching what I am attempting to do - without success to date.
Obviously I'll have to repost when I can put my issue more succinctly and
hope to catch you on a better day!


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