Confirmation page


Lawrence Beyer

I just had my first experience with using forms. Perhaps others can
benefit from what I learned. I posted previously that I kept getting an
error message instead of a Confirmation page. Here is the response I got:

-- you have to edit your page directly to your Server...

Didn't solve my problem. That wasn't the answer.
Next, I went to the Help Desk at Webhost4life. They host my websites.
It took them several hours to figure out the answer to my problem.
The answer: They gave me "permissions". Without permissions, some
features of FrontPage won't work.

Larry Beyer

(e-mail address removed)

Lawrence Beyer

I install FrontPage Server Extensions the first time I publish my
websites. After the Help Desk
told me they gave me permissions, I did a google search about it.
Permissions has to do with
access to your folders on the server, especially the "private" folder. To
learn about permissions
do a google search for "website permissions".

Larry Beyer

-- (e-mail address removed)

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