Conflict Error-Merge files?



I received an error message while trying to publish changes to the website.
To resolve the conflict, it says to merge the changes from one file to the
other manually, and then overwrite the file.
How do I do that? When the error message comes up, it has a box to
overwrite, but what is this "merge changes from one file to the other
manually mean"? Can someone walk me through this? Thanks so much!

Stefan B Rusynko

You only get that dialog if you are trying to synchronize 2 sites and both files have changed
- don't use synchronize
Select either local to remote or remote to local
(which ever way you want to publish and overwrite changes)


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| Hello
| I received an error message while trying to publish changes to the website.
| To resolve the conflict, it says to merge the changes from one file to the
| other manually, and then overwrite the file.
| How do I do that? When the error message comes up, it has a box to
| overwrite, but what is this "merge changes from one file to the other
| manually mean"? Can someone walk me through this? Thanks so much!


It wasn't checked for synchronized - it was checked local to remote. I chose
the overwrite button. It looks like things are ok, but I'm left with a bunch
of files on the left hand side that are categorized "unmatched". What does
that mean and how do I get rid of them, or should I?? Thanks for taking the
time to read and answer. I truly appreciate it!! :)

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