Convert Columns to Rows and insert into another table based on valuesin columns



Hi Folks,

I have created a non normalized table from a linked Excel sheet I
created in the following format and need to update a normalized table
based on values in this linked Excel Sheet.

Most code I have found online for converting columns to rows updates
the values directly but in my case I just need to find the
logicalnames with values of 1 and then update the ServersAppTable with
logicalname and name of the app.


ApplicationsServersGrid Linked Excel table

NOTE: Only the servers with value of 1 would be updated in the Target
table with App1 or App2 as second field value,

logicalname App1 App2 App3
SRV1 1 0 1
SRV2 0 1 0
SRV3 0 0 0

I managed to enumerate all columns using the code below but am having
issues INSERTING into the normalized table called ServersAppsTable

In the INSERT statement I can use the SELECT query I formulated in the
code below but how need help with how to update the second field which
is the appname?

< CODE >
Private Sub Toggle6_Click()
' Loop through all of the fields in the table.
' Create a subquery for each field not named logicalname or

Dim tdf As TableDef
Dim FLD As Field
Dim db As Database
Dim strSql As String
Dim tblName As String

Set db = CurrentDb
tblName = "ApplicationsServersGrid"

Set tdf = db.TableDefs(tblName)
For Each FLD In tdf.Fields
If FLD.Name = "logicalname" Or FLD.Name = "comments" Then
' EXAMPLE of using 3M Coder as appname
'WHERE (((ApplicationsServersGrid.[3M Coder])=1));

strSql = " SELECT [" & tblName & "].[logicalname]
FROM [" & tblName & "] WHERE ([" & tblName & "].[" & FLD.Name & "]=1)
Debug.Print strSql
db.Execute strSql, dbFailOnError
End If

MsgBox strSql
Debug.Print strSql
db.Execute strSql, dbFailOnError
Set tdf = Nothing
Set db = Nothing


Any help will be appreciated.

Gurvinder Singh

Dale Fye

Why not create a normalization (union) query to get your data into the proper
"vertical" format, then join that to the table you want to update. It might
look like:


SELECT LogicalName, "Application1" as AppName
FROM ApplicationsServersGrid
WHERE [App1] = 1
SELECT LogicalName, "Application2" as AppName
FROM ApplicationsServersGrid
WHERE [App2] = 1
SELECT LogicalName, "Application3" as AppName
FROM ApplicationsServersGrid
WHERE [App3] = 1

Once you have this query, you should be able to Append, Update, and Delete
records from the ServersApplicationsTable with a couple of relatively simple

Queries will generally run signifcantly faster than procedural code that
loops through recordset.


email address is invalid
Please reply to newsgroup only.

Gurvinder said:
Hi Folks,

I have created a non normalized table from a linked Excel sheet I
created in the following format and need to update a normalized table
based on values in this linked Excel Sheet.

Most code I have found online for converting columns to rows updates
the values directly but in my case I just need to find the
logicalnames with values of 1 and then update the ServersAppTable with
logicalname and name of the app.


ApplicationsServersGrid Linked Excel table

NOTE: Only the servers with value of 1 would be updated in the Target
table with App1 or App2 as second field value,

logicalname App1 App2 App3
SRV1 1 0 1
SRV2 0 1 0
SRV3 0 0 0

I managed to enumerate all columns using the code below but am having
issues INSERTING into the normalized table called ServersAppsTable

In the INSERT statement I can use the SELECT query I formulated in the
code below but how need help with how to update the second field which
is the appname?

< CODE >
Private Sub Toggle6_Click()
' Loop through all of the fields in the table.
' Create a subquery for each field not named logicalname or

Dim tdf As TableDef
Dim FLD As Field
Dim db As Database
Dim strSql As String
Dim tblName As String

Set db = CurrentDb
tblName = "ApplicationsServersGrid"

Set tdf = db.TableDefs(tblName)
For Each FLD In tdf.Fields
If FLD.Name = "logicalname" Or FLD.Name = "comments" Then
' EXAMPLE of using 3M Coder as appname
'WHERE (((ApplicationsServersGrid.[3M Coder])=1));

strSql = " SELECT [" & tblName & "].[logicalname]
FROM [" & tblName & "] WHERE ([" & tblName & "].[" & FLD.Name & "]=1)
Debug.Print strSql
db.Execute strSql, dbFailOnError
End If

MsgBox strSql
Debug.Print strSql
db.Execute strSql, dbFailOnError
Set tdf = Nothing
Set db = Nothing


Any help will be appreciated.

Gurvinder Singh


Why not create a normalization (union) query to get your data into the proper
"vertical" format, then join that to the table you want to update.  It might
look like:


SELECT LogicalName, "Application1" as AppName
FROM ApplicationsServersGrid
WHERE [App1] = 1
SELECT LogicalName, "Application2" as AppName
FROM ApplicationsServersGrid
WHERE [App2] = 1
SELECT LogicalName, "Application3" as AppName
FROM ApplicationsServersGrid
WHERE [App3] = 1

Once you have this query, you should be able to Append, Update, and Delete
records from the ServersApplicationsTable with a couple of relatively simple

Queries will generally run signifcantly faster than procedural code that
loops through recordset.


email address is invalid
Please reply to newsgroup only.

Gurvinder said:
Hi Folks,
I have created a non normalized table from a linked Excel sheet I
created in the following format and need to update a normalized table
based on values in this linked Excel Sheet.
Most code I have found online for converting columns to rows updates
the values directly but in my case I just need to find the
logicalnames with values of 1 and then update the ServersAppTable with
logicalname and name of the app.
ApplicationsServersGrid Linked Excel table
NOTE: Only the servers with value of 1 would be updated in the Target
table with App1 or App2 as second field value,
logicalname      App1     App2    App3
SRV1                 1            0       1
SRV2                 0            1       0
SRV3                  0           0       0
I managed to enumerate all columns using the code below but am having
issues INSERTING into the normalized table called ServersAppsTable
In the INSERT statement I can use the SELECT query I formulated in the
code below but how need help with how to update the second field which
is the appname?
< CODE >
Private Sub Toggle6_Click()
    ' Loop through all of the fields in the table.
    ' Create a subquery for each field not named logicalname or
 Dim tdf As TableDef
 Dim FLD As Field
 Dim db As Database
 Dim strSql As String
 Dim tblName As String
 Set db = CurrentDb
 tblName = "ApplicationsServersGrid"
 Set tdf = db.TableDefs(tblName)
 For Each FLD In tdf.Fields
       If FLD.Name = "logicalname" Or FLD.Name = "comments"Then
        '  EXAMPLE of using 3M Coder as appname
        'WHERE (((ApplicationsServersGrid.[3M Coder])=1));
                     strSql = " SELECT [" & tblName & "].[logicalname]
FROM [" & tblName & "] WHERE ([" & tblName & "].[" & FLD.Name & "]=1)
           Debug.Print strSql
             db.Execute strSql, dbFailOnError
       End If
    MsgBox strSql
    Debug.Print strSql
    db.Execute strSql, dbFailOnError
    Set tdf = Nothing
    Set db = Nothing
Any help will be appreciated.
Gurvinder Singh

Thanks for your reply Dale,

Speed is not an issue as this only needs to be done infrequently to
update the database with new app names.

Having said that the UNION query would create an intermediate table
before it ends up in the final table or am I reading this incorrectly.

Result of the UNION Query

logicalname App1
Srv1 1
Srv2 1
Srv3 1

This way there is no way to distinguish between app names.

Example output of strsql query after I ran in on 5 columns.

SELECT [ApplicationsServersGrid].[logicalname], [3M Coder] FROM
[ApplicationsServersGrid] WHERE ([ApplicationsServersGrid].[3M Coder]
=1) UNION ALL SELECT [ApplicationsServersGrid].[logicalname],
[Active Directory] FROM [ApplicationsServersGrid] WHERE
([ApplicationsServersGrid].[Active Directory]=1) UNION ALL SELECT
[ApplicationsServersGrid].[logicalname], [Ansos] FROM
[ApplicationsServersGrid] WHERE ([ApplicationsServersGrid].[Ansos]=1)
UNION ALL SELECT [ApplicationsServersGrid].[logicalname],
[BlackBerry] FROM [ApplicationsServersGrid] WHERE
([ApplicationsServersGrid].[BlackBerry]=1) UNION ALL SELECT
[ApplicationsServersGrid].[logicalname], [Bluecoat Internet Proxy]
FROM [ApplicationsServersGrid] WHERE ([ApplicationsServersGrid].
[Bluecoat Internet Proxy]=1)

So if there is a way instead of value 1 I can substitute the name of
the app like 3M Coder from the FLD.Name that would solve the issue.


Dale Fye

If done correctly, the union query would give you 1 record for each 1 in
your ServersGrid. And each record would contain the servers LogicalName,
and the AppName (assuming that your column headers App1, App2, App3 actually
represent application names). The results, given the data you gave us would
be (lets call this qryNormal):

LogicalName AppName
SRV1 App1
SRV2 App2
SRV1 App3

From here, you would join it to your ServersApplicationsTable and insert
those that are in this query but not in your ServersApplicationTable, or
delete those in your ServersApplicationsTable that are not in qryNormal.


Why not create a normalization (union) query to get your data into the
"vertical" format, then join that to the table you want to update. It
look like:


SELECT LogicalName, "Application1" as AppName
FROM ApplicationsServersGrid
WHERE [App1] = 1
SELECT LogicalName, "Application2" as AppName
FROM ApplicationsServersGrid
WHERE [App2] = 1
SELECT LogicalName, "Application3" as AppName
FROM ApplicationsServersGrid
WHERE [App3] = 1

Once you have this query, you should be able to Append, Update, and Delete
records from the ServersApplicationsTable with a couple of relatively

Queries will generally run signifcantly faster than procedural code that
loops through recordset.


email address is invalid
Please reply to newsgroup only.

Gurvinder said:
Hi Folks,
I have created a non normalized table from a linked Excel sheet I
created in the following format and need to update a normalized table
based on values in this linked Excel Sheet.
Most code I have found online for converting columns to rows updates
the values directly but in my case I just need to find the
logicalnames with values of 1 and then update the ServersAppTable with
logicalname and name of the app.
ApplicationsServersGrid Linked Excel table
NOTE: Only the servers with value of 1 would be updated in the Target
table with App1 or App2 as second field value,
logicalname App1 App2 App3
SRV1 1 0 1
SRV2 0 1 0
SRV3 0 0 0
I managed to enumerate all columns using the code below but am having
issues INSERTING into the normalized table called ServersAppsTable
In the INSERT statement I can use the SELECT query I formulated in the
code below but how need help with how to update the second field which
is the appname?
< CODE >
Private Sub Toggle6_Click()
' Loop through all of the fields in the table.
' Create a subquery for each field not named logicalname or
Dim tdf As TableDef
Dim FLD As Field
Dim db As Database
Dim strSql As String
Dim tblName As String
Set db = CurrentDb
tblName = "ApplicationsServersGrid"
Set tdf = db.TableDefs(tblName)
For Each FLD In tdf.Fields
If FLD.Name = "logicalname" Or FLD.Name = "comments" Then
' EXAMPLE of using 3M Coder as appname
'WHERE (((ApplicationsServersGrid.[3M Coder])=1));
strSql = " SELECT [" & tblName & "].[logicalname]
FROM [" & tblName & "] WHERE ([" & tblName & "].[" & FLD.Name & "]=1)
Debug.Print strSql
db.Execute strSql, dbFailOnError
End If
MsgBox strSql
Debug.Print strSql
db.Execute strSql, dbFailOnError
Set tdf = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
Any help will be appreciated.
Gurvinder Singh

Thanks for your reply Dale,

Speed is not an issue as this only needs to be done infrequently to
update the database with new app names.

Having said that the UNION query would create an intermediate table
before it ends up in the final table or am I reading this incorrectly.

Result of the UNION Query

logicalname App1
Srv1 1
Srv2 1
Srv3 1

This way there is no way to distinguish between app names.

Example output of strsql query after I ran in on 5 columns.

SELECT [ApplicationsServersGrid].[logicalname], [3M Coder] FROM
[ApplicationsServersGrid] WHERE ([ApplicationsServersGrid].[3M Coder]
=1) UNION ALL SELECT [ApplicationsServersGrid].[logicalname],
[Active Directory] FROM [ApplicationsServersGrid] WHERE
([ApplicationsServersGrid].[Active Directory]=1) UNION ALL SELECT
[ApplicationsServersGrid].[logicalname], [Ansos] FROM
[ApplicationsServersGrid] WHERE ([ApplicationsServersGrid].[Ansos]=1)
UNION ALL SELECT [ApplicationsServersGrid].[logicalname],
[BlackBerry] FROM [ApplicationsServersGrid] WHERE
([ApplicationsServersGrid].[BlackBerry]=1) UNION ALL SELECT
[ApplicationsServersGrid].[logicalname], [Bluecoat Internet Proxy]
FROM [ApplicationsServersGrid] WHERE ([ApplicationsServersGrid].
[Bluecoat Internet Proxy]=1)

So if there is a way instead of value 1 I can substitute the name of
the app like 3M Coder from the FLD.Name that would solve the issue.



Thanks again Dale,

When I tried using the Union Query the last time using just 2 columns
I still get the 1s in the second column, not the app names and app
names are the columns in the Grid as seen in the query below which I
ran in the Query Window for testing puroses, Also the Server may
contain more than one Apps.

SELECT [ApplicationsServersGrid].[logicalname], [3M Coder] FROM
[ApplicationsServersGrid] WHERE ([ApplicationsServersGrid].[3M Coder]
=1) UNION ALL SELECT [ApplicationsServersGrid].[logicalname],
[Active Directory] FROM [ApplicationsServersGrid] WHERE
([ApplicationsServersGrid].[Active Directory]=1)

What may be a factor is that I am not sure how to display the output
of Select Query in VBA code and instead am using the Query window to
test it.
When It reaches the dbexecute it gives an error message.

strSql = " SELECT [" & tblName & "].[logicalname]
FROM [" & tblName & "] WHERE ([" & tblName & "].[" & FLD.Name & "]=1)
Debug.Print strSql
db.Execute strSql, dbFailOnError


If done correctly, the union query would give you 1 record for each 1 in
your ServersGrid.  And each record would contain the servers LogicalName,
and the AppName (assuming that your column headers App1, App2, App3 actually
represent application names).  The results, given the data you gave us would
be (lets call this qryNormal):

LogicalName  AppName
SRV1             App1
SRV2             App2
SRV1             App3

From here, you would join it to your ServersApplicationsTable and insert
those that are in this query but not in your ServersApplicationTable, or
delete those in your ServersApplicationsTable that are not in qryNormal.


Why not create a normalization (union) query to get your data into the
"vertical" format, then join that to the table you want to update. It
look like:

SELECT LogicalName, "Application1" as AppName
FROM ApplicationsServersGrid
WHERE [App1] = 1
SELECT LogicalName, "Application2" as AppName
FROM ApplicationsServersGrid
WHERE [App2] = 1
SELECT LogicalName, "Application3" as AppName
FROM ApplicationsServersGrid
WHERE [App3] = 1
Once you have this query, you should be able to Append, Update, and Delete
records from the ServersApplicationsTable with a couple of relatively
Queries will generally run signifcantly faster than procedural code that
loops through recordset.
email address is invalid
Please reply to newsgroup only.
Gurvinder said:
Hi Folks,
I have created a non normalized table from a linked Excel sheet I
created in the following format and need to update a normalized table
based on values in this linked Excel Sheet.
Most code I have found online for converting columns to rows updates
the values directly but in my case I just need to find the
logicalnames with values of 1 and then update the ServersAppTable with
logicalname and name of the app.
ApplicationsServersGrid Linked Excel table
NOTE: Only the servers with value of 1 would be updated in the Target
table with App1 or App2 as second field value,
logicalname App1 App2 App3
SRV1 1 0 1
SRV2 0 1 0
SRV3 0 0 0
I managed to enumerate all columns using the code below but am having
issues INSERTING into the normalized table called ServersAppsTable
In the INSERT statement I can use the SELECT query I formulated in the
code below but how need help with how to update the second field which
is the appname?
< CODE >
Private Sub Toggle6_Click()
' Loop through all of the fields in the table.
' Create a subquery for each field not named logicalname or
Dim tdf As TableDef
Dim FLD As Field
Dim db As Database
Dim strSql As String
Dim tblName As String
Set db = CurrentDb
tblName = "ApplicationsServersGrid"
Set tdf = db.TableDefs(tblName)
For Each FLD In tdf.Fields
If FLD.Name = "logicalname" Or FLD.Name = "comments" Then
' EXAMPLE of using 3M Coder as appname
'WHERE (((ApplicationsServersGrid.[3M Coder])=1));
strSql = " SELECT [" & tblName & "].[logicalname]
FROM [" & tblName & "] WHERE ([" & tblName & "].[" & FLD.Name & "]=1)
Debug.Print strSql
db.Execute strSql, dbFailOnError
End If
MsgBox strSql
Debug.Print strSql
db.Execute strSql, dbFailOnError
Set tdf = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
Any help will be appreciated.
Gurvinder Singh

Thanks for your reply Dale,

Speed is not an issue as this only needs to be done infrequently to
update the database with new app names.

Having said that the UNION query would create an intermediate table
before it ends up in the final table or am I reading this incorrectly.

Result of the UNION Query

logicalname      App1
Srv1                  1
Srv2                  1
Srv3                  1

This way there is no way to distinguish between app names.

Example output of strsql query after I ran in on 5 columns.

 SELECT [ApplicationsServersGrid].[logicalname], [3M Coder] FROM
[ApplicationsServersGrid] WHERE ([ApplicationsServersGrid].[3M Coder]
=1) UNION ALL   SELECT [ApplicationsServersGrid].[logicalname],
[Active Directory] FROM [ApplicationsServersGrid] WHERE
([ApplicationsServersGrid].[Active Directory]=1) UNION ALL   SELECT
[ApplicationsServersGrid].[logicalname], [Ansos] FROM
[ApplicationsServersGrid] WHERE ([ApplicationsServersGrid].[Ansos]=1)
UNION ALL   SELECT [ApplicationsServersGrid].[logicalname],
[BlackBerry] FROM [ApplicationsServersGrid] WHERE
([ApplicationsServersGrid].[BlackBerry]=1) UNION ALL   SELECT
[ApplicationsServersGrid].[logicalname], [Bluecoat Internet Proxy]
FROM [ApplicationsServersGrid] WHERE ([ApplicationsServersGrid].
[Bluecoat Internet Proxy]=1)

So if there is a way instead of value 1 I can substitute the name of
the app like   3M Coder from the FLD.Name that would solve the issue.


Dale Fye

The query should read (using your 2 columns)

SELECT [ApplicationsServersGrid].[logicalname],
"3M Coder" as AppName
FROM [ApplicationsServersGrid]
WHERE [ApplicationsServersGrid].[3M Coder] =1
SELECT [ApplicationsServersGrid].[logicalname],
"Active Directory" as AppName
FROM [ApplicationsServersGrid]
WHERE [ApplicationsServersGrid].[Active Directory]=1

If you look closely, you will see that instead of refering to the column as
[3M Coder], I wrapped the application name in quotes.
The reason you were getting the value 1 is that you were using the column
[3M Coder] rather than making the column name into a string value.

Ignore the VBA code for now. When we get this query working properly,
you'll only need 1 or 2 lines of code.


Thanks again Dale,

When I tried using the Union Query the last time using just 2 columns
I still get the 1s in the second column, not the app names and app
names are the columns in the Grid as seen in the query below which I
ran in the Query Window for testing puroses, Also the Server may
contain more than one Apps.

SELECT [ApplicationsServersGrid].[logicalname], [3M Coder] FROM
[ApplicationsServersGrid] WHERE ([ApplicationsServersGrid].[3M Coder]
=1) UNION ALL SELECT [ApplicationsServersGrid].[logicalname],
[Active Directory] FROM [ApplicationsServersGrid] WHERE
([ApplicationsServersGrid].[Active Directory]=1)

What may be a factor is that I am not sure how to display the output
of Select Query in VBA code and instead am using the Query window to
test it.
When It reaches the dbexecute it gives an error message.

strSql = " SELECT [" & tblName & "].[logicalname]
FROM [" & tblName & "] WHERE ([" & tblName & "].[" & FLD.Name & "]=1)
Debug.Print strSql
db.Execute strSql, dbFailOnError


If done correctly, the union query would give you 1 record for each 1 in
your ServersGrid. And each record would contain the servers LogicalName,
and the AppName (assuming that your column headers App1, App2, App3
represent application names). The results, given the data you gave us
be (lets call this qryNormal):

LogicalName AppName
SRV1 App1
SRV2 App2
SRV1 App3

From here, you would join it to your ServersApplicationsTable and insert
those that are in this query but not in your ServersApplicationTable, or
delete those in your ServersApplicationsTable that are not in qryNormal.


Why not create a normalization (union) query to get your data into the
"vertical" format, then join that to the table you want to update. It
look like:

SELECT LogicalName, "Application1" as AppName
FROM ApplicationsServersGrid
WHERE [App1] = 1
SELECT LogicalName, "Application2" as AppName
FROM ApplicationsServersGrid
WHERE [App2] = 1
SELECT LogicalName, "Application3" as AppName
FROM ApplicationsServersGrid
WHERE [App3] = 1
Once you have this query, you should be able to Append, Update, and
records from the ServersApplicationsTable with a couple of relatively
Queries will generally run signifcantly faster than procedural code that
loops through recordset.
email address is invalid
Please reply to newsgroup only.
Gurvinder said:
Hi Folks,
I have created a non normalized table from a linked Excel sheet I
created in the following format and need to update a normalized table
based on values in this linked Excel Sheet.
Most code I have found online for converting columns to rows updates
the values directly but in my case I just need to find the
logicalnames with values of 1 and then update the ServersAppTable with
logicalname and name of the app.
ApplicationsServersGrid Linked Excel table
NOTE: Only the servers with value of 1 would be updated in the Target
table with App1 or App2 as second field value,
logicalname App1 App2 App3
SRV1 1 0 1
SRV2 0 1 0
SRV3 0 0 0
I managed to enumerate all columns using the code below but am having
issues INSERTING into the normalized table called ServersAppsTable
In the INSERT statement I can use the SELECT query I formulated in the
code below but how need help with how to update the second field which
is the appname?
< CODE >
Private Sub Toggle6_Click()
' Loop through all of the fields in the table.
' Create a subquery for each field not named logicalname or
Dim tdf As TableDef
Dim FLD As Field
Dim db As Database
Dim strSql As String
Dim tblName As String
Set db = CurrentDb
tblName = "ApplicationsServersGrid"
Set tdf = db.TableDefs(tblName)
For Each FLD In tdf.Fields
If FLD.Name = "logicalname" Or FLD.Name = "comments" Then
' EXAMPLE of using 3M Coder as appname
'WHERE (((ApplicationsServersGrid.[3M Coder])=1));
strSql = " SELECT [" & tblName & "].[logicalname]
FROM [" & tblName & "] WHERE ([" & tblName & "].[" & FLD.Name & "]=1)
Debug.Print strSql
db.Execute strSql, dbFailOnError
End If
MsgBox strSql
Debug.Print strSql
db.Execute strSql, dbFailOnError
Set tdf = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
Any help will be appreciated.
Gurvinder Singh

Thanks for your reply Dale,

Speed is not an issue as this only needs to be done infrequently to
update the database with new app names.

Having said that the UNION query would create an intermediate table
before it ends up in the final table or am I reading this incorrectly.

Result of the UNION Query

logicalname App1
Srv1 1
Srv2 1
Srv3 1

This way there is no way to distinguish between app names.

Example output of strsql query after I ran in on 5 columns.

SELECT [ApplicationsServersGrid].[logicalname], [3M Coder] FROM
[ApplicationsServersGrid] WHERE ([ApplicationsServersGrid].[3M Coder]
=1) UNION ALL SELECT [ApplicationsServersGrid].[logicalname],
[Active Directory] FROM [ApplicationsServersGrid] WHERE
([ApplicationsServersGrid].[Active Directory]=1) UNION ALL SELECT
[ApplicationsServersGrid].[logicalname], [Ansos] FROM
[ApplicationsServersGrid] WHERE ([ApplicationsServersGrid].[Ansos]=1)
UNION ALL SELECT [ApplicationsServersGrid].[logicalname],
[BlackBerry] FROM [ApplicationsServersGrid] WHERE
([ApplicationsServersGrid].[BlackBerry]=1) UNION ALL SELECT
[ApplicationsServersGrid].[logicalname], [Bluecoat Internet Proxy]
FROM [ApplicationsServersGrid] WHERE ([ApplicationsServersGrid].
[Bluecoat Internet Proxy]=1)

So if there is a way instead of value 1 I can substitute the name of
the app like 3M Coder from the FLD.Name that would solve the issue.



Thanks a lot Dale.

The UNION query worked.

I ran into some sort of limitation as the complete UNION query with 40
app fields could not be executed so I split it into 2 queries and it

Thanks and have a happy Thanksgiving :)


The query should read (using your 2 columns)

SELECT [ApplicationsServersGrid].[logicalname],
                "3M Coder" as AppName
FROM [ApplicationsServersGrid]
WHERE [ApplicationsServersGrid].[3M Coder] =1
SELECT [ApplicationsServersGrid].[logicalname],
               "Active Directory" as AppName
FROM [ApplicationsServersGrid]
WHERE [ApplicationsServersGrid].[Active Directory]=1

If you look closely, you will see that instead of refering to the column as
[3M Coder], I wrapped the application name in quotes.
The reason you were getting the value 1 is that you were using the column
[3M Coder] rather than making the column name into a string value.

Ignore the VBA code for now.  When we get this query working properly,
you'll only need 1 or 2 lines of code.


Thanks again Dale,

When I tried using the Union Query the last time using just 2 columns
I still get the 1s in the second column, not the app names and app
names are the columns in the Grid as seen in the query below which I
ran in the Query Window for testing puroses, Also the Server may
contain more than one Apps.

 SELECT [ApplicationsServersGrid].[logicalname], [3M Coder] FROM
[ApplicationsServersGrid] WHERE ([ApplicationsServersGrid].[3M Coder]
=1) UNION ALL   SELECT [ApplicationsServersGrid].[logicalname],
[Active Directory] FROM [ApplicationsServersGrid] WHERE
([ApplicationsServersGrid].[Active Directory]=1)

What may be a factor is that I am not sure how to display the output
of Select Query in VBA code and instead am using the Query window to
test it.
When It reaches the dbexecute it gives an error message.

                   strSql = " SELECT [" & tblName &"].[logicalname]
FROM [" & tblName & "] WHERE ([" & tblName & "].[" & FLD.Name & "]=1)
           Debug.Print strSql
             db.Execute strSql, dbFailOnError


If done correctly, the union query would give you 1 record for each 1 in
your ServersGrid. And each record would contain the servers LogicalName,
and the AppName (assuming that your column headers App1, App2, App3
represent application names). The results, given the data you gave us
be (lets call this qryNormal):
LogicalName AppName
SRV1 App1
SRV2 App2
SRV1 App3
From here, you would join it to your ServersApplicationsTable and insert
those that are in this query but not in your ServersApplicationTable, or
delete those in your ServersApplicationsTable that are not in qryNormal..

"Gurvinder" <[email protected]> wrote in message
Why not create a normalization (union) query to get your data into the
"vertical" format, then join that to the table you want to update. It
look like:
SELECT LogicalName, "Application1" as AppName
FROM ApplicationsServersGrid
WHERE [App1] = 1
SELECT LogicalName, "Application2" as AppName
FROM ApplicationsServersGrid
WHERE [App2] = 1
SELECT LogicalName, "Application3" as AppName
FROM ApplicationsServersGrid
WHERE [App3] = 1
Once you have this query, you should be able to Append, Update, and
records from the ServersApplicationsTable with a couple of relatively
Queries will generally run signifcantly faster than procedural code that
loops through recordset.
email address is invalid
Please reply to newsgroup only.
Hi Folks,
I have created a non normalized table from a linked Excel sheet I
created in the following format and need to update a normalized table
based on values in this linked Excel Sheet.
Most code I have found online for converting columns to rows updates
the values directly but in my case I just need to find the
logicalnames with values of 1 and then update the ServersAppTable with
logicalname and name of the app.
ApplicationsServersGrid Linked Excel table
NOTE: Only the servers with value of 1 would be updated in the Target
table with App1 or App2 as second field value,
logicalname App1 App2 App3
SRV1 1 0 1
SRV2 0 1 0
SRV3 0 0 0
I managed to enumerate all columns using the code below but am having
issues INSERTING into the normalized table called ServersAppsTable
In the INSERT statement I can use the SELECT query I formulated in the
code below but how need help with how to update the second field which
is the appname?
< CODE >
Private Sub Toggle6_Click()
' Loop through all of the fields in the table.
' Create a subquery for each field not named logicalname or
Dim tdf As TableDef
Dim FLD As Field
Dim db As Database
Dim strSql As String
Dim tblName As String
Set db = CurrentDb
tblName = "ApplicationsServersGrid"
Set tdf = db.TableDefs(tblName)
For Each FLD In tdf.Fields
If FLD.Name = "logicalname" Or FLD.Name = "comments" Then
' EXAMPLE of using 3M Coder as appname
'WHERE (((ApplicationsServersGrid.[3M Coder])=1));
strSql = " SELECT [" & tblName & "].[logicalname]
FROM [" & tblName & "] WHERE ([" & tblName & "].[" & FLD.Name & "]=1)
Debug.Print strSql
db.Execute strSql, dbFailOnError
End If
MsgBox strSql
Debug.Print strSql
db.Execute strSql, dbFailOnError
Set tdf = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
Any help will be appreciated.
Gurvinder Singh
Thanks for your reply Dale,
Speed is not an issue as this only needs to be done infrequently to
update the database with new app names.
Having said that the UNION query would create an intermediate table
before it ends up in the final table or am I reading this incorrectly.
Result of the UNION Query
logicalname App1
Srv1 1
Srv2 1
Srv3 1
This way there is no way to distinguish between app names.
Example output of strsql query after I ran in on 5 columns.
SELECT [ApplicationsServersGrid].[logicalname], [3M Coder] FROM
[ApplicationsServersGrid] WHERE ([ApplicationsServersGrid].[3M Coder]
=1) UNION ALL SELECT [ApplicationsServersGrid].[logicalname],
[Active Directory] FROM [ApplicationsServersGrid] WHERE
([ApplicationsServersGrid].[Active Directory]=1) UNION ALL SELECT
[ApplicationsServersGrid].[logicalname], [Ansos] FROM
[ApplicationsServersGrid] WHERE ([ApplicationsServersGrid].[Ansos]=1)
UNION ALL SELECT [ApplicationsServersGrid].[logicalname],
[BlackBerry] FROM [ApplicationsServersGrid] WHERE
([ApplicationsServersGrid].[BlackBerry]=1) UNION ALL SELECT
[ApplicationsServersGrid].[logicalname], [Bluecoat Internet Proxy]
FROM [ApplicationsServersGrid] WHERE ([ApplicationsServersGrid].
[Bluecoat Internet Proxy]=1)
So if there is a way instead of value 1 I can substitute the name of
the app like 3M Coder from the FLD.Name that would solve the issue.


Thanks a lot Dale :)

The query worked with using quotes for field names. I ran into some
limits as the entire query with 40 fields just was not executing so I
split it and it worked like a charm.

Have a happy Thanksgiving.


The query should read (using your 2 columns)

SELECT [ApplicationsServersGrid].[logicalname],
                "3M Coder" as AppName
FROM [ApplicationsServersGrid]
WHERE [ApplicationsServersGrid].[3M Coder] =1
SELECT [ApplicationsServersGrid].[logicalname],
               "Active Directory" as AppName
FROM [ApplicationsServersGrid]
WHERE [ApplicationsServersGrid].[Active Directory]=1

If you look closely, you will see that instead of refering to the column as
[3M Coder], I wrapped the application name in quotes.
The reason you were getting the value 1 is that you were using the column
[3M Coder] rather than making the column name into a string value.

Ignore the VBA code for now.  When we get this query working properly,
you'll only need 1 or 2 lines of code.


Thanks again Dale,

When I tried using the Union Query the last time using just 2 columns
I still get the 1s in the second column, not the app names and app
names are the columns in the Grid as seen in the query below which I
ran in the Query Window for testing puroses, Also the Server may
contain more than one Apps.

 SELECT [ApplicationsServersGrid].[logicalname], [3M Coder] FROM
[ApplicationsServersGrid] WHERE ([ApplicationsServersGrid].[3M Coder]
=1) UNION ALL   SELECT [ApplicationsServersGrid].[logicalname],
[Active Directory] FROM [ApplicationsServersGrid] WHERE
([ApplicationsServersGrid].[Active Directory]=1)

What may be a factor is that I am not sure how to display the output
of Select Query in VBA code and instead am using the Query window to
test it.
When It reaches the dbexecute it gives an error message.

                   strSql = " SELECT [" & tblName &"].[logicalname]
FROM [" & tblName & "] WHERE ([" & tblName & "].[" & FLD.Name & "]=1)
           Debug.Print strSql
             db.Execute strSql, dbFailOnError


If done correctly, the union query would give you 1 record for each 1 in
your ServersGrid. And each record would contain the servers LogicalName,
and the AppName (assuming that your column headers App1, App2, App3
represent application names). The results, given the data you gave us
be (lets call this qryNormal):
LogicalName AppName
SRV1 App1
SRV2 App2
SRV1 App3
From here, you would join it to your ServersApplicationsTable and insert
those that are in this query but not in your ServersApplicationTable, or
delete those in your ServersApplicationsTable that are not in qryNormal..

"Gurvinder" <[email protected]> wrote in message
Why not create a normalization (union) query to get your data into the
"vertical" format, then join that to the table you want to update. It
look like:
SELECT LogicalName, "Application1" as AppName
FROM ApplicationsServersGrid
WHERE [App1] = 1
SELECT LogicalName, "Application2" as AppName
FROM ApplicationsServersGrid
WHERE [App2] = 1
SELECT LogicalName, "Application3" as AppName
FROM ApplicationsServersGrid
WHERE [App3] = 1
Once you have this query, you should be able to Append, Update, and
records from the ServersApplicationsTable with a couple of relatively
Queries will generally run signifcantly faster than procedural code that
loops through recordset.
email address is invalid
Please reply to newsgroup only.
Hi Folks,
I have created a non normalized table from a linked Excel sheet I
created in the following format and need to update a normalized table
based on values in this linked Excel Sheet.
Most code I have found online for converting columns to rows updates
the values directly but in my case I just need to find the
logicalnames with values of 1 and then update the ServersAppTable with
logicalname and name of the app.
ApplicationsServersGrid Linked Excel table
NOTE: Only the servers with value of 1 would be updated in the Target
table with App1 or App2 as second field value,
logicalname App1 App2 App3
SRV1 1 0 1
SRV2 0 1 0
SRV3 0 0 0
I managed to enumerate all columns using the code below but am having
issues INSERTING into the normalized table called ServersAppsTable
In the INSERT statement I can use the SELECT query I formulated in the
code below but how need help with how to update the second field which
is the appname?
< CODE >
Private Sub Toggle6_Click()
' Loop through all of the fields in the table.
' Create a subquery for each field not named logicalname or
Dim tdf As TableDef
Dim FLD As Field
Dim db As Database
Dim strSql As String
Dim tblName As String
Set db = CurrentDb
tblName = "ApplicationsServersGrid"
Set tdf = db.TableDefs(tblName)
For Each FLD In tdf.Fields
If FLD.Name = "logicalname" Or FLD.Name = "comments" Then
' EXAMPLE of using 3M Coder as appname
'WHERE (((ApplicationsServersGrid.[3M Coder])=1));
strSql = " SELECT [" & tblName & "].[logicalname]
FROM [" & tblName & "] WHERE ([" & tblName & "].[" & FLD.Name & "]=1)
Debug.Print strSql
db.Execute strSql, dbFailOnError
End If
MsgBox strSql
Debug.Print strSql
db.Execute strSql, dbFailOnError
Set tdf = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
Any help will be appreciated.
Gurvinder Singh
Thanks for your reply Dale,
Speed is not an issue as this only needs to be done infrequently to
update the database with new app names.
Having said that the UNION query would create an intermediate table
before it ends up in the final table or am I reading this incorrectly.
Result of the UNION Query
logicalname App1
Srv1 1
Srv2 1
Srv3 1
This way there is no way to distinguish between app names.
Example output of strsql query after I ran in on 5 columns.
SELECT [ApplicationsServersGrid].[logicalname], [3M Coder] FROM
[ApplicationsServersGrid] WHERE ([ApplicationsServersGrid].[3M Coder]
=1) UNION ALL SELECT [ApplicationsServersGrid].[logicalname],
[Active Directory] FROM [ApplicationsServersGrid] WHERE
([ApplicationsServersGrid].[Active Directory]=1) UNION ALL SELECT
[ApplicationsServersGrid].[logicalname], [Ansos] FROM
[ApplicationsServersGrid] WHERE ([ApplicationsServersGrid].[Ansos]=1)
UNION ALL SELECT [ApplicationsServersGrid].[logicalname],
[BlackBerry] FROM [ApplicationsServersGrid] WHERE
([ApplicationsServersGrid].[BlackBerry]=1) UNION ALL SELECT
[ApplicationsServersGrid].[logicalname], [Bluecoat Internet Proxy]
FROM [ApplicationsServersGrid] WHERE ([ApplicationsServersGrid].
[Bluecoat Internet Proxy]=1)
So if there is a way instead of value 1 I can substitute the name of
the app like 3M Coder from the FLD.Name that would solve the issue.

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