Count the numbers of a particular day




What would be formula for calculating the number of Thursdays, excluding
Christmas and New Year days when they fall on Thursday, in a fiscal year
starting from - 1st Oct 2008 through 30th Sept 2009?


Hope this is helpful

Thank You

cheers, francis

Jacob Skaria

Dear Francis

This works for a fiscal year..

A1 = Startdate
B1 = EndDate


If this post helps click Yes

Mike H


Try this array formula, dates in a1 & a2


This is an array formula which must be entered with CTRL+Shift+Enter and NOT
'just enter. If you do it correctly then Excel will put curly brackets around
'the formula{}. You can't type these yourself. If you Edit the ranges
'then you must re-enter as An array


Ron Rosenfeld


What would be formula for calculating the number of Thursdays, excluding
Christmas and New Year days when they fall on Thursday, in a fiscal year
starting from - 1st Oct 2008 through 30th Sept 2009?



A1: 1 Oct 2008
A2: 30 Sep 2009



Jarek Kujawa


this formula shows a result of 2555 on my Excel 2007

what am I doing wrong?

Ron Rosenfeld


this formula shows a result of 2555 on my Excel 2007

what am I doing wrong?

Perhaps you don't have the correct dates in A1 or A2.

Format those cells to show you the long date, so there is no ambiguity.


Hi Jacob
Thanks, this did it
if it not too much to ask for, would you mind elaborate how the formula works


Hope this is helpful

Pls click the Yes button below if this post provide answer you have asked

Thank You

cheers, francis

Am not a greek but an ordinary user trying to assist another


Hi Mike,

Thanks, its work great.
I would very much appreciate if you can spare some time elaborate how this
formula works but it fine if you are busy.

Your help is very much appreciates.
Hope this is helpful

Pls click the Yes button below if this post provide answer you have asked
Am not a greek but an ordinary user trying to help

Thank You

cheers, francis

Am not a greek but an ordinary user trying to assist another


Hi Ron

Thanks for your time.
I believe you have missed the 2 holidays, New Year and X'mas day,
as your formula return 52 Thursdays.

Hope this is helpful

Pls click the Yes button below if this post provide answer you have asked

Thank You

cheers, francis

Am not a greek but an ordinary user trying to assist another

Shane Devenshire


Try this



Hi Shane

Thanks, its works

Hope this is helpful

Pls click the Yes button below if this post provide answer you have asked

Thank You

cheers, francis

Am not a greek but an ordinary user trying to assist another

T. Valko

In Excel 2007...using U.S. English regional date settings m/d/yyyy

A1 = 10/1/2008
A2 = 9/30/2009


The formula returns 52 which is correct

Mike H


A little bit late but you asked for an explanation of how the formula works.
The main part of the formula counts the Thursdays in the period between a1 &


to make it simpler we can get rid of the TRUNC bit on the assumption there
is no time part to the date because all that does is get rid of the time bit


This bit of that formula produces an array of weekday numbers from the first
date to the last so if we take a shorter periof of (say) 10 days it looks
like this

Thursday in Excel is 5 and if you look at the formula we say
Sum(if(the formula bit)=5,1,0

so for every time it encounters a 5 it adds a 1 and a zero for every other
day and we get our answer.

The last bit of the formula simply tests if Christmas day is Thursday. If it
is then so is NYD and 2 are subtracted


Roger Govier

Hi Francis

Thursday = Day 5 so try entering 5 in cell A1

Changing the value in A1 will give you the count for any other day of the


Hi Ron

Thanks for your time.
I believe you have missed the 2 holidays, New Year and X'mas day,
as your formula return 52 Thursdays.


yes, you are correct. I overlooked that part of your requirements.

But others have supplied you with useful solutions.

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