Count Unique Records


Jon Dow

I have the following table (Excel 2007)

Month Broker #
December 32350
December 32350
December 24715
January 24715
January 24715
January 44063

(table is a1:b7)
I want to search for a month and then count the unique records in column B.
So for the month of January, it would return 2 since one of the 3 records is
a duplicate. Any ideas?

Teethless mama

Try this:


ctrl+shift+enter, not just enter

T. Valko

Try this:

Both formulas need to be array entered using the key combination of

If there will be no empty cells in column B:

D2 = January


If there might be empty cells in column B:



Jon Dow

Wow that's great. Thanks. This Forum ROCKS!!

Teethless mama said:
Try this:


ctrl+shift+enter, not just enter

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