Create a customizable report



I'm looking to make a report that can be customized each time it's run. for
example, my database tracks "stations" for each station there is a
maintenance type (1, 2, 3, 4 & 5) I want to have a form where you select the
type from a drop down list, then you enter a year (ie for each type 5 station
you need to do an operational inspection every 5 years) so I want to see all
type 5 stations that were installed in 2003, because they'll all need to have
inspections done this year. I'd also like to run a report that shows all
type 5 stations that were installed in 2002, but do NOT have an operational
inspection done in 2007.... these should have been done, but got missed.
Each station has the maintenance type in the main table, and all of the
maintenance records are stored in a seperate table linked by station #. One
station could have an install date, maintenance inspection, C&M inspection
and Operational inspection all with specific dates (20-Oct-08) I want to run
a report that pulls all the records that show an "install" of a specific
year, and do or do not have "operational inspection" of a specific year.
Every time this report is run these variables will change, So i want the
maintenance types (ie: 1, 2, 3,4 & 5) in a drop down, the inspection types
(ie maintenance, operational, C&M, Install) in a drop down twice, once for
installed and once for inspections so you can choose "Installed" year
matching 2003 and "Operational Inspection" year matching 2008. the years can
be a drop down list of every year starting in 2000 and going forward.

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