Create two pulldowns from another pulldown.



First of all my thanks to Gord Dibben, your suggestion worked well. Now I
encountered another problem. How would I create two (2) pull down based on
another pull down. E.g.

1st Pull down 2nd pull down 3rd pull down
1 X,Y,Z Pink, Black, Brown, Red
2 A,B,C Solid, Hallow
3 E,F,G Circle, ellipse, rectangular
4 O,P,Q Visa, MasterCard, Cash, Check

If I select 1 from the first pull down menu then the values X,Y,Z
corresponding value associated with 1) be available for the in 2nd pull down
and Pink, Black, Brown, Red
Be available for 3rd pull down and so on and so forth. Thanks.


1, 2, 3, 4 in column A, beginning A1
X, Y, Z in column B, beginning B1
Visa, MasterCard, Cash, Check in column H, beginning H1.
The first dropdown is in cell I1
You define a dynamic range for the second dropdown :
Name :Drop2, refers to :
Use this range to define the second dropdown.
Same thing for dynmic range Drop3 :


Hi Gord,

I tried that but you can point a cell to only one cell, if 1 is linked to X,
then 1 can not be linked to pink. When I did that the options for third
pulldown were not the third pull down but it was the second pulldown options.
Thank you very much.

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