Crosstab Query



I would like to enhance a crosstab query I am working with.

First, I have a tabe of transactions. Each transaction has a date, a trans
type, and an amount. In related table of trans types, a boolean descriptor is
defined to indicate if the trans amount needs to be negated for calculations.

My current crosstab query results look like this:
Year Fund SumOfAmount TranType1 TranType2 Etc...
2001 11 5,000.00 2,000.00 -7,000.00
2002 11 3,000.00 5,000.00 -2,000.00

So my question is this... For each year there is a final balance (e.g.
2000, 5000 .) That balance needs to be carried over to the next year for a
correct end of year balance. I would like to be able to this in a query, but
I don't know how to display and/or use the value. Is this possible?

This is the current SQL:
TRANSFORM Sum(IIf([TransCatNegate],[TransAmount]*-1,[TransAmount])) AS Amount
SELECT Transactions.TransBeginBudgetFY, Transactions.TransRFundtypeID,
Sum(IIf([TransCatNegate],[TransAmount]*-1,[TransAmount])) AS SumOfAmount
FROM (TransactionCategories INNER JOIN Transactions ON
TransactionCategories.TransCatID = Transactions.TransRTransCatID) INNER JOIN
TransCategoriesOfInterest ON TransactionCategories.TransCatID =
WHERE (((Transactions.TransRFundtypeID)=11) AND
((Transactions.TransRRptCatID) Like "345"))
GROUP BY Transactions.TransBeginBudgetFY, Transactions.TransRFundtypeID
ORDER BY Transactions.TransBeginBudgetFY
PIVOT TransactionCategories.TransCategory;

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