Customizing Fonts and color in outlook 2007



I just changed to outlook 2007 after letting it sit there for months. I am
so disgusted I am thinking of rolling back to 2003 and requesting a refund
from microsoft. The color blue makes me want to puke. It creates eyestrain.
The weird font on the navigation, reading etc, pane does not respond to the
change . Some jerk sat down and decided that we need to have a headache.

I will try to send MS an email on the stupid, idiotic crap they have done.
Then if I cannot get a response or they do not fix it I will broadcast the
problem. I have "mrfa" mail contact and will ask them for worldwide
broadcast. My instruction to Microsoft FIX IT.

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

From word or an open message, go to the office orb icon, options button at
the lower right of the menu. Select a different color.

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]

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Your answer gets me nowhere and it does not address the font problem. Try
reading my post and responding accordingly.
Communication 101

Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]

Your answer gets me nowhere and it does not address the font problem. Try
reading my post and responding accordingly.
Communication 101

Oh, please. Communications 101 would also dictate that you supply enough
information to get some idea exactly what you've tried so far.

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